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1 hour ago, DotRat_Wx said:

I like to post this every once in awhile. 

This is our unofficial SNE Facebook group. Used in case anyone wants to share photos, or keep in touch in case of board outages. 

If you haven't joined already, post and share your username! 


It never shows up in my feed but I’m definitely on the group. 

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23 minutes ago, radarman said:

I just did 6 weeks vegan, and felt really good for the most part and it wasn't that hard.  But I was ready to start bringing in some meat and dairy by the end.  I think it's a decent way to do it... not necessarily make it a full permanent life decision but take a few weeks at a time here and there and use it as a cleanse and a way to change things up for a bit, and integrate some principles and cooking techniques into normal weeks.

I give up all sweets for lent every year (and don’t cheat on sundays)...it’s really tough because I’m a sucker for ice cream and cookies, but I always lose 10-15 lbs like clockwork (and I’m not a stocky dude anyway for those who haven’t seen me). It definitely has me quite light on my feet by the end. It’s something I should probably do twice per year instead of once but we’ll see. Maybe as i move out of my 30s I’ll change it. 

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37 minutes ago, radarman said:

I just did 6 weeks vegan, and felt really good for the most part and it wasn't that hard.  But I was ready to start bringing in some meat and dairy by the end.  I think it's a decent way to do it... not necessarily make it a full permanent life decision but take a few weeks at a time here and there and use it as a cleanse and a way to change things up for a bit, and integrate some principles and cooking techniques into normal weeks.

Weren't you sick this month?

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56 minutes ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

One day a week fasting was something that was very common in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine. 
Everyone  should own a juicer. 
Fasting is not something that needs to be difficult. Doing just a day of only apples and grapes would benefit most people immensely.

Powdered wheat grass, chlorella and spirulina in some water and cider is one of the best cleansers and is very safe. 

I enjoy fasting. Sometimes I do a full 24hrs other times I try to stretch it to 48hrs but with a minor meal or two of fruits and veggies. It clears my mind and gets me light on my feet. I do on occasion, however, end up binge eating when I break my fast but that tends to happen when I pop a gummie as I’m breaking. I love to eat in general so with fasting and strength training 4-5 days/wk, I can eat crap sometimes and not gain weight nor feel bad about it. I’m not the most health conscious dude where I eat salads for lunch but my style works for me. 

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22 minutes ago, Bostonseminole said:

Some good things and bad things from the bruins game.. I like the 3rd line and 4th line play today. Bergie line struggle.. Pasta is not right.. I give Hall a B- I mean new line and team so some adjustment needed. 2 pts is good.

I thought both new guys played well with a lot of energy but that's to be expected first game with a new team, lets see if they can keep it up.




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6 hours ago, WhitinsvilleWX said:

You need to do it. It’s not as bad as all that. They’ll knock you out in twilight, not all the way.

The worst part is the night before with the nasty drink. If you have an iPad or reading material, take it with you to the terlit. You’ll be in there for a few. 

Yup.  I’ve had 5 if them...due for another bit need a little break....

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Sweets are tough. My kid’s Easter baskets are killing me lol. But I’ve been exercising more than I have in years so I’ve slowly dropped a lot 12lbs but have plateaued. Just trying to make some better decisions all around for me personally. Started going down a rabbit hole I didn’t want to go in. For me mentally, I can’t wait until later May and beyond when the weather is more conducive for outdoors. 

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14 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

Sweets are tough. My kid’s Easter baskets are killing me lol. But I’ve been exercising more than I have in years so I’ve slowly dropped a lot 12lbs but have plateaued. Just trying to make some better decisions all around for me personally. Started going down a rabbit hole I didn’t want to go in. For me mentally, I can’t wait until later May and beyond when the weather is more conducive for outdoors. 

Yea as we age we plateau quicker but weight isn’t everything. Body composition is more important. So while you might feel like you aren’t getting anywhere with weight loss, as long as your exercising that’s the key. Shit, I can’t give up Nutella so I’ll never be rail thin with no muscle mass like a jogger who gets up at 5am everyday to jog 6miles. Muscle and some fat for me is better body comp. Why give up the joys in life just to look like a Kenyan marathon runner anyway?

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27 minutes ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

Yea as we age we plateau quicker but weight isn’t everything. Body composition is more important. So while you might feel like you aren’t getting anywhere with weight loss, as long as your exercising that’s the key. Shit, I can’t give up Nutella so I’ll never be rail thin with no muscle mass like a jogger who gets up at 5am everyday to jog 6miles. Muscle and some fat for me is better body comp. Why give up the joys in life just to look like a Kenyan marathon runner anyway?

Plus having the munchies all day can’t be easy to resist dipping the finger in the Nutella jar an extra two or three times 

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12 hours ago, kdxken said:

It was 33 degrees and snowing when the game started. According to Baseball-Reference.com, it was the coldest game for the Red Sox since April 7, 1979, when it was 32 degrees at first pitch at cavernous Municipal Stadium in Cleveland.


I would have figured there would have been a colder day at Fenway during that time.

They were probably on the road on these days (or like the Yankees, had to postpone):

4/6/82:  36   22   1.10"   10.8"
4/7/82:  25   16   0.15"     2.5"
4/4/16:  30   24   0.41"    4.7"  (and another 1.9" by 11:59 on 4/3)

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4 hours ago, CoastalWx said:

Sweets are tough. My kid’s Easter baskets are killing me lol. But I’ve been exercising more than I have in years so I’ve slowly dropped a lot 12lbs but have plateaued. Just trying to make some better decisions all around for me personally. Started going down a rabbit hole I didn’t want to go in. For me mentally, I can’t wait until later May and beyond when the weather is more conducive for outdoors. 

Salty food is my issue. I have no attraction to sweets whatsoever. We have multiple bags of Easter candy in the house and I haven't had one single piece since the holiday. Salt on the other hand? I have to challenge myself not to salt extra on top of food. Really when it comes to anything. I'm addicted to Salty popcorn, chips, hell even sodium packed salad dressing.

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News agencies should be held accountable for manipulation tactics - but it is impossible to prove ...  "Semantics litigation" ??

Yeeeeah - good luck!   One can't really see that as having a finality in any sort of litigious or Tort-law related processes and endeavor, not one that doesn't take the 14 billion years of the known cosmos to reach any kind of squabbling settlement. Accountability?    vague at best - intent does and always has resulted in compromise, with else most ending up free runners.

The key is education as a black box and that has always been the case.  If the audience is wiser... they don't get beguiled so readily in the first place. 

What it really exposes is about the audience - it's really more about 'dimming of the commoner intellectual brain.'  

My hypothesis:  Since nature doesn't use anything it does not need ... that's why the masses lowest common denominator is back before the scientific revolution.  

See, there is a negative feed back of modernity where 'wherewithal' stops prudential thinking, because the latter requires energy... and nature does not do that - to wit and which, we are still a part.  The conveniences spanning multiple generations ( despite iniquity in distribution ) make for such energy for existence at individual and whole structures,  no longer as necessary for the everyday decision making. 

We have to keep in mind, biology is no different then any other observable 'anything' about reality - nothing in existence occurs in utter disconnect, in a vacuum unto itself - even a rock has some information and history that roots it necessarily back to some system purpose.  Kind of smacks as Quantum Mechanics Principle that nothing can ultimately be truly lost... It's philosophy that - ironically ... - takes deeper intellect to see. 

Example, medicine and science sold us that the Appendix organ is a defunct evolutionary left over that serves no purpose ...but recent science proved that to be likely false; it does in fact have a some minor on-going usefulness in the machinery of the human gut - I just can't recall specifically what that is/was because I'm a idiot.  lol... 

But my hypothesis is...when you soak a population in relative affluence, that tends to pacify the civility, .. breeds apathy... entitlement... "trophy cultures?" ...hello.  That pacification, as we express it as a techno-orgasmic species, is consistent with nature not wasting anything - we don't continue to exhaust "thinking" energy for prudential criticism and objective cause-and-effect consequence nearly as needed, because we are in a convenience bubble.  By the time this is ubiquitously known...it will be around a campfire after the holocaust in some setting like "Book Of Eli"   - the irony is... the greed of big media news "cinema" is creating fake dystopia for the dumb down thumb swipers, or mouse clickers, when the real dystopia will take place because of it all.. 

So, it's a fascinating catch-22, that the evolutionary process that gave humanity the ability to manipulate the environment to the point of such convenience addling in modernity would ultimately become of the world... leads inexorably to it's own de-evolution - a de evolution that can defined in many ways [use the imagination].

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44 minutes ago, DotRat_Wx said:

Salty food is my issue. I have no attraction to sweets whatsoever. We have multiple bags of Easter candy in the house and I haven't had one single piece since the holiday. Salt on the other hand? I have to challenge myself not to salt extra on top of food. Really when it comes to anything. I'm addicted to Salty popcorn, chips, hell even sodium packed salad dressing.

My wife’s grandmother, who passed away a few years ago, used to always salt her food heavily before even tasting it. And it didn’t matter what was on her plate, just poured salt everywhere. Before the food came out, home or at a restaurant, we used to always make sure the salt shaker was already within her reach. Like clockwork she would still ask, “can someone pass the salt please?”.....our response, “grommie, the salt is right in front of you like it always is.”

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2 hours ago, DotRat_Wx said:

News came out from Celtics beat writers that Jayson Tatum now needs an inhaler full time after covid

Mm... can't speak for Celtic's "beat writers" ... but ESPN's article does not intimate nearly as dourly as that statement - not even close really.

"Boston Celtics forward Jayson Tatum said Tuesday night that he is still dealing with the after-effects of contracting for COVID-19 three months ago and has been using an inhaler before games as a means to combat them. ..."      https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/31254061/boston-celtics-jayson-tatum-fighting-covid-19-effects-close-100-percent-performance-picks-up

That bold is an entirely different frame-up compared to "..Inhaler full time "   What ESPN talks about is an accelerator for oxygen ...which isn't that uncommon for high physical pro sports for one; but secondly, makes it clear that this is along a curve of improvement too.  Heh, they way those beat writers put it ... leaves the reader thinking the other way - this is exactly what I was talking about in how media is acting irresponsible. 

No one know what's real -

Just sayn'  - not sure which source is right  

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6 hours ago, CoastalWx said:

Sweets are tough. My kid’s Easter baskets are killing me lol. But I’ve been exercising more than I have in years so I’ve slowly dropped a lot 12lbs but have plateaued. Just trying to make some better decisions all around for me personally. Started going down a rabbit hole I didn’t want to go in. For me mentally, I can’t wait until later May and beyond when the weather is more conducive for outdoors. 

Kudos Scott. I'm in the same boat. I usually put five to ten on in winter and lose it again come summer. It's been more like 20 this year. It gets exponentially more difficult to lose once I let myself go too far. Joints hurt a lot more when jogging for example. Spring usually brings more activity and better eating, but I have to make a more concerted effort to lose the gut this year. 

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5 minutes ago, Hoth said:

Kudos Scott. I'm in the same boat. I usually put five to ten on in winter and lose it again come summer. It's been more like 20 this year. It gets exponentially more difficult to lose once I let myself go too far. Joints hurt a lot more when jogging for example. Spring usually brings more activity and better eating, but I have to make a more concerted effort to lose the gut this year. 

That 3 months March to June I was home last year I put on 15 pounds, on top of the 10 I needed to lose anyway. I'm about 25 pounds overweight. At least where I would like to be . That 3 month shut in at home was hell. I ate way too much ice cream and junk.

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I came to find over the years that salt 'cooked' into a meal does little to satisfy the savory sensation of taste when serving the meal.   Same salt content when cooked seems not to sensate at time of ingestion.  Not sure why that is.. perhaps partial chemical bonding ... Maybe just dilution in general. I can make up SciFi to explain but I don't know why that is.

You can take a fraction of the seasoning of the food preparation part, particularly and specifically if the prep means heating and actually cooking, ... and applicate that fraction in salt mass to the served meal at fork-point and the savoriness is much more coherent to the taste sensation.

I am not a dietary physician' or whatever titles the pathway of food life-style to subsequent health effects ...etc, but it seems intuitive to me that if one is salt sensitive for whatever reason... eating less "isolated" salt seasoning would probably be better - and... timing the application of salt to food stocks might help there some. 

Course ...if one is sodium sensitive ...and they eat processed foods - you get what you get.  Processed food like uses sodium as binder to get shapes and sizes ...haha... 

What I'm mentioning only matters for food prep, and more so for/if ingredients are sodium organic and one hates bland taste.



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26 minutes ago, WhitinsvilleWX said:

That 3 months March to June I was home last year I put on 15 pounds, on top of the 10 I needed to lose anyway. I'm about 25 pounds overweight. At least where I would like to be . That 3 month shut in at home was hell. I ate way too much ice cream and junk.

Bingo. Lot of boredom/emotional eating last year. 

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35 minutes ago, WhitinsvilleWX said:

That 3 months March to June I was home last year I put on 15 pounds, on top of the 10 I needed to lose anyway. I'm about 25 pounds overweight. At least where I would like to be . That 3 month shut in at home was hell. I ate way too much ice cream and junk.

For me, once I retired I blimped.   My wife texted me a picture of me sitting outside when we were in Florida and I was appalled!  This after noting a 10 lb weight gain in October and maybe another 15 after.   So I immediately trimmed portions and stopped eating sweets.   I also stopped the habit of snacking on cheese and crackers.  I’m a huge cheese lover and salty is more preferable to sweet for me.  I limit cheese greatly.   Total abstinence with food for me doesn’t work so I treat myself occasionally.   I like my oatmeal a bit salty.   Anyway once I made the changes after Florida my clothes are looser and I’m feeling better.   Want to keep at it to get down to a reasonable weight.  I avoid weighing myself-just eat less and more healthy.   I have always exercised mostly walking and strength exercises now.  But food intake is the culprit for weight gain for me.   Another motivator is blood sugar.  Fasting glucose in October was 99 which is at the upper end of normal.   Haven’t measured A1C but I feel best when I’m running in the mid 80s to 90.  I want to avoid diabetes as much as I can.

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