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About DavisStraight

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Southbridge, MA elev 715'
  • Interests
    Golf, weather, baseball

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  1. Just think there's more power in an Iphone than what was on Apollo 13.
  2. How do you know which ones are edible? I know a Morel when I see one but other than that I'm never sure.
  3. Once you get a dry airmass and an overnight low around 50 I always felt that Autumn was coming.
  4. I must have a decent soaking last night based on the puddles, I have mushrooms growing now.
  5. I saw a show the other night where a grizzly attacked a guy in the forest and before he left took a big dump on the guy, they were worried about an infection from the dump.
  6. I lifted a rock near my wall to put it back on top and there was a nest under, they flew up my sleeves and stung my arms, hurt like hell. I did the same thing you did but if it happens again, I'll try boiling hot water.
  7. There are two baby skunks on my road that got hit by cars, both as white as your litter.
  8. Best whale watching boat I ever went on was actually a fishing boat out of Gloucester, heading to the fishing ground the captain spotted a whale breaching off in the distance, he asked us if we wanted to continue to the grounds or take a detour and look at the whale. We all voted whale. When we caught up to it, the whale would breach near us and swim around and under the boat, I remember a lot of dolphins swimming all around the whale. We lost an hour fishing, but we all thought it was worth the side trip.
  9. Getting there, have you done all of it by yourself?
  10. Is it the blue color that attracts them? I remember a few years back a guy on this site taped a blue plastic cup onto a hat and put glue on the cup, the cup was loaded with deer flies after being outside a little while.
  11. Im 82/55, usually Im cooler than everyone else unless the cooler air just hasn't got to me yet.
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