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About dryslot

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Lewiston, ME
  • Interests
    Weather, Snowmobiling and Fishing

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  1. 4.5” looks like it’s winding down, Fits my 3-5” call, Going to go clean it up here shortly.
  2. What a weenie 12z Euro Op run, The kuchie is off the charts..........
  3. What did they have for totals today? That time stamp was 7 am today until 7am sunday?
  4. SN, 10.9°F KLEW 061612Z AUTO 00000KT 1/2SM SN BKN011 BKN018 OVC024 M13/M17 A3015 RMK AO2 PRESFR P0000 FZRANO
  5. After looking actually, The reggie ticked a bit north at 12z fwiw and that's not much at hr 84.
  6. Looks like this will come in like a wall as SWFE's do.
  7. It really seems to be able sniff out the mid level warmth, Hence the old adage *Beware the Warm Tongue*
  8. Yeah, I probably should've rephrased that, It does give you a general idea of possible trends, The Nam is really good i think at picking up on a warm tongue when others models don't, Its tough to deny if it still shows that once inside the window i mentioned.
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