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Fall Banter and General Discussion

Baroclinic Zone

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Just now, Cold Miser said:


This makes sense just by the nature of how people react and socialize at certain gatherings.  Most people at restaurants sit down, eat their food across from each other, and move on fairly quickly with very little contact beyond their utensils, and food, and the conversation at their booth.  Parties at halls, or other home gatherings are a much different scene ...People standing around a keg, or table of food, close to others, talking for long periods of time.

I have been back at my gym since it re-opened.  I speak to the managers there every so often to get a sense of how the virus may be affecting the gym and patrons.  I have been told that zero cases have been traced back to the gym. That in itself does not mean much, but is interesting just the same. 

From some numbers I have seen, (not sure how accurate they are), in Massachusetts at least, gyms have not contributed very many cases.   

Between 7/6 and 11/14, a consortium of Massachusetts Independent Fitness Operators had reported 1,384,349 gym "check ins" and only 45 reported cases

0.00325%    That's below community rates by a ton


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6 minutes ago, HoarfrostHubb said:

From some numbers I have seen, (not sure how accurate they are), in Massachusetts at least, gyms have not contributed very many cases.   

Between 7/6 and 11/14, a consortium of Massachusetts Independent Fitness Operators had reported 1,384,349 gym "check ins" and only 45 reported cases

0.00325%    That's below community rates by a ton


Same in CT. I know someone that works at a large gym chain. Over a millions check ins and there have been practically zero cases between staff or any contact tracers about members being sick. 

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6 minutes ago, HoarfrostHubb said:

From some numbers I have seen, (not sure how accurate they are), in Massachusetts at least, gyms have not contributed very many cases.   

Between 7/6 and 11/14, a consortium of Massachusetts Independent Fitness Operators had reported 1,384,349 gym "check ins" and only 45 reported cases

0.00325%    That's below community rates by a ton


i wonder what the numbers are for grocery store workers

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48 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

From what I have been told, those big gatherings will lead to more community spread which means you will be infected next time the DoorDash guy shows up at your apartment with Thai food. Sorry, buddy. :( 

Dude your gonna give people PTSD . No Thai food showing up here now.

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2 minutes ago, BrianW said:

Same in CT. I know someone that works at a large gym chain. Over a millions check ins and there have been practically zero cases between staff or any contact tracers about members being sick. 

The gym I had belonged to previously has put up all sorts of plastic/plexi barriers between pieces of equipment, spread stuff out, etc.   I am personally preferring the home workouts I started in March but I'm glad to see the gyms have been safe so far

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The following doesn't mean anything .. nor is intended to imply anything substantive, but I think it is interestingly ironic - just the symbolic nature of what's gone on in society over the last 3 or 4 years. 

What happened ... ~ 18 months prior to the outbreak of SAR CoV 2 ( C-19) ?  

It was the "Okay, Boomer ..", meme. 

I think it was some Congressional hearing ( with less certainty ), where some Millennial-gen demoed a bit of ... insolence ( though that may be too strong a word for it ) to some elderly statements. It was over the Climate and environmental crisis...  Anyway ..it resonated through society like an aria star at a fine stemwares gallery ...shattering the supremacy of that elder generation's illusion that they were still holding onto control of the great puppeteer's strings for this marionette show we call culture.   Comedic circuits .... media in all forms, had sooo much fun with that... 

So next on the historical destiny comes along this pathogen that attacks the old disproportionately harshly in case loading and morbidity.  Now, ...that may seem refutable now by raw numbers ... But, problem with statistics is that without 'qualitative' analysis, the 'quantitative' means less. For example, there are more people alive in their 30s and 40s and 50s than there are in their 60s and 70s and 80s... purely by total factorization of human life span/risks and normal mortality rates.  So, you now have more 42 year olds with C-19 than 72 year olds...but, there are less 72 year olds to get it ( this is just making up an example to make the point).  We don't hear this kind of critical statistical, interpretative discussion - we just get bathed by CNN and Fox New's manipulating electromagnetic dark energy like Senator Palpatine's blue lightning...  But, somewhere in there ... prooobably still proves that older folk, i.e.... the "Boomers," are still at greater risk?  

The irony is... all of society is now crippled if not stymied to some extent, to promote and extend the Boomer life and supremacy - ... like I said, this is symbolic ...  they get their revenge!   

By the way, that climate shit still that looms over all humanity and countless other species - the latter of which is already suffering the initial onset/throws of a Mass Extinction ( Biologically/empirically demonstrated .. eh hm...).  

You know ... we take on 'crisis' ' one monster at a time - -nothing wrong with that.  And as climate change has no "directly" palpable or corporeal observable appeal to humanity at the day-to-day ... week-to-week ... but only vaguely so even at year-to-year scales, it is quite concomitantly not really registered as one such monster... 

But it is - 

Sad truth of the matter is...all this with the Pandemic...and everything else in reality for that matter ? 

Meaningless, because the specter of the Carbon footprint issue is interestingly the biggest monster of them all, while being totally ironically invisible. So add that... Maybe this is just the Age Of Ironies. 

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18 minutes ago, TauntonBlizzard2013 said:

Charlie Baker threatening Massachusetts residents with reopening roll backs if they don’t follow the rules during thanksgiving.

He will follow Marty Walsh's lead and help run the State of Massachusetts  to the ground.
(Cue The Dropkick Murphy's, "State of Massachusetts" )

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1 hour ago, klw said:
  • from the link:

Scott explained that 71% of outbreaks reported from Oct. 1 to Nov. 13 were linked to “social events, parties and people hanging out at home or bars and clubs.” He added Vermont has not seen the virus spread widely at schools, restaurants or other businesses. 

Dr. Mark Levine, the state health commissioner, said those parties came in a variety of sizes of parties — Halloween gatherings large and small, dinner parties, baby showers, “people in the high single numbers at a deer camp.”

Color me skeptical on the bolded; perhaps it's a like-kind assumption but I doubt it's based on actual numbers at those locations.  Vermont's firearms season only opened a week ago and I'd guess there are far more occupied deer camps in that season than for the archery season that began on October 5. 

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so what are we dancing around the notion of here...  what's the elephant in the room,  'cancel thanksgiving'  ?

like, any house with more than a couple cars parked out in front gets a run on by the local pd like a noise complaint at a frat party - ... just getting ready to cut the bird and its, 'bang bang bang' at the door??  


anyway - I heard there's three ( now ) sources for a vaccines, including Pfifer .. I don't know what these other two are or if this statement's even true so don't quote or assume or start a fake news meme or nothin'  just askin' - is it true. 

The way this was said, the other two are not as logistically difficult/fragile with their version - and together... all three estimate 26, 000,000 doses available to  the upper 1% of the global population by Jan 1 2021 ...  j/k...but it was espoused that they'll have that many doses - 

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16 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

so what are we dancing around the notion of here...  what's the elephant in the room,  'cancel thanksgiving'  ?

like, any house with more than a couple cars parked out in front gets a run on by the local pd like a noise complaint at a frat party - ... just getting ready to cut the bird and its, 'bang bang bang' at the door??  


anyway - I heard there's three ( now ) sources for a vaccines, including Pfifer .. I don't know what these other two are or if this statement's even true so don't quote or assume or start a fake news meme or nothin'  just askin' - is it true. 

The way this was said, the other two are not as logistically difficult/fragile with their version - and together... all three estimate 26, 000,000 doses available to  the upper 1% of the global population by Jan 1 2021 ...  j/k...but it was espoused that they'll have that many doses - 

They are telling you to cancel thanksgiving without actually coming out and saying it. Mental gymnastics of sorts.

So when people say you told us to cancel thanksgiving!!!! They can say no we didn’t, we just strongly advised you don’t travel or invite anyone over.

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33 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

so what are we dancing around the notion of here...  what's the elephant in the room,  'cancel thanksgiving'  ?

like, any house with more than a couple cars parked out in front gets a run on by the local pd like a noise complaint at a frat party - ... just getting ready to cut the bird and its, 'bang bang bang' at the door??  


anyway - I heard there's three ( now ) sources for a vaccines, including Pfifer .. I don't know what these other two are or if this statement's even true so don't quote or assume or start a fake news meme or nothin'  just askin' - is it true. 

The way this was said, the other two are not as logistically difficult/fragile with their version - and together... all three estimate 26, 000,000 doses available to  the upper 1% of the global population by Jan 1 2021 ...  j/k...but it was espoused that they'll have that many doses - 

Let them....I don't give a shit.

My side of the family is paranoid about the virus, so the usual gtg at my sister's is off. I think we are just having my wife's side over at our place.

You dry hump one another in a political orgy following the election, but god forbid you break bread at your own damn dinner table.

If it comes to it, I'd rather pay the fine and tell them to eat shit, then be controlled like that.


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We are still on the fence about going to my brother in law’s for Thanksgiving as we usually do.  It would not be a large gathering anyway but we would prob have to bring my mother in law who is 89 and has some health issues.  Between my wife, daughter and I we are each in three different schools.  My nephews are in two other schools.  The odds would not be great.  
I am for punting it this year.     

and I really don’t care what neighbors do. They can have a hootenanny for all I care

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