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About powderfreak

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    Stowe, VT

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  1. Luckily we can still get good snow up here in +4ish temps. It’s when we start pushing the +6 to +8 up here that things get bleak in a hurry. Of course the margin for error with positive departures decreases as one heads south… with almost no margin of error by the time you’re in NYC and south latitudes.
  2. I mean that’s been no problem lately. We can do that easily with the lack of radiational cooling in recent winters.
  3. That qualifies for the “Torch!” post.
  4. Up to 75F here. Wow it’s nice out.
  5. That’s awesome. A 50-diurnal range. That’s some Colorado ski town type stuff in the warm season.
  6. Those are the rare burgers. The 50-spots.
  7. Was in the mid-40s last evening then jumped into the 60s in the middle of the night. 68F at 9:45am is solid.
  8. I mean, there’s a lot of green in that photo. It’s just peaking in many areas well north of you (even up at this latitude in the Champlain Valley). You’ve got some time left to judge, especially if things are still blooming. It may be November, but the leaves will still likely flash for a period.
  9. 29F to 72F today at home in the valley… and already dropping back into the 40s. My diurnal swing fetish is satiated.
  10. What a day. It’s warm, we’ve got 55F up here at 3,600ft. Snow crying for its mama.
  11. Ahhh… way to add substance to a discussion by just throwing gasoline on a fire. I still don’t get the “alarmed” or “worried” aspect of the discussion. It’s something that’s happening and science shouldn’t have emotions attached to it.
  12. Yes the hyperbole doesn’t help any discussion and there’s a lot of hyperbole in society on all sides of the coin. All I was saying is we are in a warming period on the long term curve. Not worried about it and not making any assumptions on 10,000 years from now or what caused it or what to do about it. Don't really care about that to be honest. Just it is what it is. Enjoy the awesome Sunday weather Wolfie.
  13. No kidding, no one said it won’t snow. Where was that said? I’m watching snow melt as I type this . I don’t know why this topic gets people so tweaked. It’s just a casual discussion of something that’s happening… like the sun rising and setting. We literally believe the same thing, it’s warmed and cooled before in history and we are on the warm swing now. Isn’t that undeniable? This is the warm swing. Like I don’t know why it’s so combative? Just imagine we are discussing increasing precipitation amounts.
  14. I just want to be clear, I wasn’t worried or even trying to imply worry when asking you if it “truly evens out over time.” Not sure why there’s always this assumption of worry or not. We are just talking about a climate trend that’s fairly undeniable. Nothing else is loaded into those statements.
  15. 27F at SLK to 55F at ORH. Large temp variation across the region this evening.
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