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About powderfreak

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    Stowe, VT

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  1. Just waiting for the real estate prices to mature a bit more and then getting out of here. Maybe Newark or somewhere near there is the next life stop? This evening’s dog hike, dodging showers, in this god forsaken land.
  2. Needs a mushroom growing out of it but the mold is about right for this amount of water since June 1st .
  3. That’s true. This is the first time it’s rained with dews in the 50s in a very long time. Orographic showers. The ones summer camps fear. All joking aside, it gets chilly in a hurry when it rains at lower dews. Immediate drop to 61-62F.
  4. Raining again. Make it stop. 0.32” on the day. No memories getting made today.
  5. Off and on showers. 73/65 Ran into a friend while walking the dog in town just now.
  6. There has to be other things than CC at play. This isn’t just like a half a degree Celsius of warmth that CC is supposedly adding to the background… it’s like +5 or greater most of these months lately. There has to be larger circulations causing this or feeding into it.
  7. It’s the most jarring when we do get a few cooler afternoons but then people find it was still +10 at night… that’s the CC effect.
  8. Yesterday here was +6 to continue one of the warmest July’s on record. Classic CC torch… 80/65 on a 79/55 normal. So +1 max and +10 min… +6 on the day.
  9. Our bodies have acclimated nicely. But we may also need to start defining torch as daily maximums or something. The nights are just relative infernos compared to climo while the days are just warm.
  10. Yup. 62F this morning for a nice +7 to start the day.
  11. It’s an impressive gradient. Whatever large scale set-up is causing this, where the frontal boundaries have continuously set-up over the same swath… it’s crazy how stable the precip distribution has been the past two months. The jet will sink south as the sun angle lowers. It’s been residing pretty far north these past two months near record average temperatures. As things cool, it’ll drop south. It’s interesting that places in the axis of drought through CNE/E.NNE (over the past two months), got decent rain after the cooler/normal interlude. Temperatures were a bit cooler and it rained hardest a bit SE of where it has been.
  12. The irony is this idea that warm, humid weather is nice while cooler weather leads to a cold rain just keeps getting proven wrong. We had 3 nice dry days with normal temps and COC dews… literally the minute the dew rose above 65F it started raining again.
  13. There’s an anomalous swath through here of 14-18”. Highest is 18.77” in Starksboro. Pretty uniform swath too. Its localized but yet still widespread if that makes sense. Drops off sharply SW of Montpelier, and especially SW of Orange County.
  14. 0.19” today, and about 0.50” past two days to keep the shrooms happy. Think that just pushed us past 16” since June 1st.
  15. Its incredible. It’s a continuous torch overall. Sure we get an occasional 1-3 days of climo normal temperatures, but it just wants to be warmer than normal at least excuse possible. And not just slightly above normal.
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