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I picked up my gf in pine grove pa yesterday and we decided wtf lets go for it. Drove to new haven ct. No problem coming across 84 and down 34 from newtown but once into new haven all hell broke loose. We got here at 10 but took until 4am to get to hotel because of so many cars stuck blocking roads and causing 5ft plus drifts on highway. Had do dig our way down an off ramp took hours. Stayed at days inn new haven. Got 34" here all in like 12 hours. Was nuts last night. I've seen this much snow in 2010 but never saw it fall that fast.

Pics to follow.


Awesome! Your relationship has just advanced to the next level. Put a ring on it, she's a keeper.

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Weather Channel just gave a 5" per hour report that was called in from Tolland, CT. Wonder who call that in? :whistle:


Mt. Tolland has the highest total among spotters for this entire storm based on the latest from NWS Taunton:





Literally unbelievable. He was actually outside of where the monster band was at its most intense, too, just west of I-91 north of New Haven. 

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I picked up my gf in pine grove pa yesterday and we decided wtf lets go for it. Drove to new haven ct. No problem coming across 84 and down 34 from newtown but once into new haven all hell broke loose. We got here at 10 but took until 4am to get to hotel because of so many cars stuck blocking roads and causing 5ft plus drifts on highway. Had do dig our way down an off ramp took hours. Stayed at days inn new haven. Got 34" here all in like 12 hours. Was nuts last night. I've seen this much snow in 2010 but never saw it fall that fast.

Pics to follow.

You have the best gf in the world. I hope one day I can be so lucky.

Rock on man!!

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I picked up my gf in pine grove pa yesterday and we decided wtf lets go for it. Drove to new haven ct. No problem coming across 84 and down 34 from newtown but once into new haven all hell broke loose. We got here at 10 but took until 4am to get to hotel because of so many cars stuck blocking roads and causing 5ft plus drifts on highway. Had do dig our way down an off ramp took hours. Stayed at days inn new haven. Got 34" here all in like 12 hours. Was nuts last night. I've seen this much snow in 2010 but never saw it fall that fast.

Pics to follow.


Wow, have never heard anyone mention Pine Grove before. My parents grew up there. Didn't know there was anyone left :)

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Mt. Tolland has the highest total among spotters for this entire storm based on the latest from NWS Taunton:




Literally unbelievable. He was actually outside of where the monster band was at its most intense, too, just west of I-91 north of New Haven. 

That total was taken off of the latest version of the PNS, lol.

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Was unreal up here in Boston. We actually came across another group of MA weenies (all from the DC area) in a bar downtown last night. Couldn't help but introduce myself after hearing them talk about the NAM! Facing down 70mph gusts in a wind tunnel with driving snow in my face was an unreal experience. My final total was probably around 28".

I'll just post one of my favorite pictures on here...you can find the rest of my stuff in the SNE thread...




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Went on my first big snow chase ever for this storm, stayed in Massachusetts and it was an incredible experience to actually witness a New England blizzard. Ended up with 27" where I stayed, winds and snowfall rates were fantastic at times, and going outside in it was just unforgettable.


I'd say this was very similar to February 5-6, 2010 in terms of sensible weather.

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Went on my first big snow chase ever for this storm, stayed in Massachusetts and it was an incredible experience to actually witness a New England blizzard. Ended up with 27" where I stayed, winds and snowfall rates were fantastic at times, and going outside in it was just unforgettable.


I'd say this was very similar to February 5-6, 2010 in terms of sensible weather.


But they are not getting another one in 4 days ;) .

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We punted Nemo and the opposing team just couldn't handle it.


They got too much snow.


They are crying about how insane the shoveling is.


New Englanders are nothing but a bunch of WUSSES when it comes to removing snow.


If I got 38 inches of snow in mby, you would NEVER hear me complain about 'this snow is insane to shovel' or 'I'm so exhausted'. Shovels are for real men. Snowblowers are for New England ladies with high heels. Damn straight I'm making fun of new englanders. They are also crying about power outages. February is supposed to be cold. If you can't put on yer big boy britches and handle the cold, you should go live in Miami. The remarks I am reading in their New England forum damn near made me choke to death on my Red Bull. It's hard to comprehend how these people grew up in those parts. You'd think they could handle the shoveling after a lifetime of dealing with New England snowstorms.


Instead.........The Blizzard of 2013 handled them.


Instead of learning to handle their own problems with this storm - they begged the National Guard to come bail them out. It is a stark fact: The storm hit regions of SNE cannot handle this storm. Their loaders are stuck. Their first responders are stuck. They can't even get out of their houses because of FIVE FOOT DRIFTS! Give me a fookin' break! On Feb 19, 1979 we had 2 feet of snow with ten foot drifts. We dug out of it. I was jebwalkin everywhere! I was digging everyone out all by my lonesome. I was only about fifteen. Geeze! I grew up here in the tropical mid atlantic! These so-called new englanders grew up in snow country and now a major blizzard shut their sorry azzes down so bad they are already exhausted from shoveling on Day 1 ?????? They're crying because they have to shovel their driveway?


These people are spoiled beyond belief. They are also so damned LAZY that it is embarrassing!


You would NEVER hear ME complain about too much snow. I hate snow blowers. I hate plows. I worship snow and shovels. The only good thing about a plow, is that it pushes more snow in my driveway.


I would never be overwhelmed by deep snow. There is never too much snow. Even if Northern Virginia got buried by a 10,000 year blizzard with 7 feet of powder, I would be out digging massive amounts of snow. You would never hear me complain about too much snow or that the shoveling is insane. I would NEVER use a snowblower. The only people who should use snowblowers are demonstrably old men such as weathafella (Jerry). In my humble opinion, Jerry should move to Bora Bora, get a rocking chair and enjoy the tropical breezes and the fishing. It is high time for weathafella to move aside, move far south and make way for folks such as myself, who can shovel Jerry right into the snow covered tundra of New England inside of one hour.


It is simply amazing how lazy these northerners have become. In an age of smartphones and mesmerizing gigantic flatscreen TVs, they crave instant gratification and love to laze on the couch for hours while watching sports. They obsess on big snows, and when the big storm finally dumps on them - they decided that they can't handle it because to handle it themselves requires something that scares the living daylights out of them: HARD HONEST WORK. So - They lean on their crutches - snowblowers - that only demonstrably old men like Jerry should be using, but that they run to because they are so lazy.


SNE snow weenies craved snow, They craved excitement. They stayed up for two days straight obsessing on modelology then on nowcasting. They got the heavy snow. They got their storm. Their immediate cravings sated, they then faced up to the harsh reality that hard honest work was required to deal with the snow that had accumulated. The SNE leaders cried out to the National Guard for help. They probably BEGGED the National Guard for help. Then came all of the complaints. The snow was too damn deep to get to the gas stations for gas. Gas stations were low on gasoline. It was too damn cold. The wind was too strong. The drifts were too damn deep.


Now much of the region is shut down. Too bad it is February. That snowpack will not melt for another couple months. After all - Its SNE. It snows there. They have all that powered equipment to clear the snow.


Well, Southern New England - Riddle me this one Batman: Why in the hell is your powered equipment stuck?


This isn't too much snow for you, is it southern New England? You wanted this. You obsessed over this. You wanted another 1888 blizzard. I read your threads. This was no 1888 blizzard. You better be glad it wasn't. You couldn't handle it.


This is truly embarrassing, SNE. This is only Day One. Some of you are already exhausted from shoveling. You got a lot of work to do. You cant get gasoline for your crutches, I mean your snowblowers. You'll be forced to shovel two to three feet of snow. Man, I'm cryin for y'all. That wind is a-blowin. Too bad its drifting all over your driveway that you've only started on. I'm sorry for ya. Its cold out there. Wind chill is even lower. You are so damned sore that you wont even be able to get out of bed tomorrow morning.



You barely survived ONE DAY.......What makes you even imagine that you can take another eight to ten weeks of this abuse? Get your bell bangin balls over here and ring this bell three times then come running to the southern Mid Atlantic region where you just might be able to handle our weather.

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It is strange to inflate your snow totals or obs in general...blizz has always been accused of that but who knows for sure I guess. Some people just always like to be the coldest snowiest wettest ob I guess it makes them feel special...no harm...we have some like that...that snow36 guy....I think dd likes to have the highest totals too....fun

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It is strange to inflate your snow totals or obs in general...blizz has always been accused of that but who knows for sure I guess. Some people just always like to be the coldest snowiest wettest ob I guess it makes them feel special...no harm...we have some like that...that snow36 guy....I think dd likes to have the highest totals too....fun

As long as they are consistently inconsistent, you can figure out the truth.

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they must not have measured properly in Boston (winds had something to do with it I'm sure, but still)

look at this qpf for the last 3 days

it shows only .50" for the entire blizzard


then again, Worcester only had .68"


I don't think those statistics are very accurage esp. when it is snow.

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they must not have measured properly in Boston (winds had something to do with it I'm sure, but still)

look at this qpf for the last 3 days

it shows only .50" for the entire blizzard


then again, Worcester only had .68"



1.39" and 1.78" were the official liquid amounts....

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i live up here in sne and live in perhaps what is the most notorious "snow minimum" area. i measured an avg depth as the snow was winding down of 21.5 inches in an area with relatively minimal drifting because of so many trees and houses. it was a 25 hr duration event up here with terrible snow growth and ratios for the first twelve hours. i measured in six hour intervals and came up with 25 inches but thought that was a bit too high considering the average depth so went with 24 for an event total as a compromise. there is a lot of mositure in this stuff, i dont care what the wfos say.


I have been trying to find out from fellow sne posters if those 33 to 40 inch amounts were avg depths at the end of were those totals done with six hour measurements. how do you guys in general handle this? the reason i ask is that your area has had several great storms over the past few years.


i was only in on the edge of the mega band and it was awesome, 17 inches from 9pm to 245am with legit rates of 4inch/hr at one point.

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i live up here in sne and live in perhaps what is the most notorious "snow minimum" area. i measured an avg depth as the snow was winding down of 21.5 inches in an area with relatively minimal drifting because of so many trees and houses. it was a 25 hr duration event up here with terrible snow growth and ratios for the first twelve hours. i measured in six hour intervals and came up with 25 inches but thought that was a bit too high considering the average depth so went with 24 for an event total as a compromise. there is a lot of mositure in this stuff, i dont care what the wfos say.

I have been trying to find out from fellow sne posters if those 33 to 40 inch amounts were avg depths at the end of were those totals done with six hour measurements. how do you guys in general handle this? the reason i ask is that your area has had several great storms over the past few years.

i was only in on the edge of the mega band and it was awesome, 17 inches from 9pm to 245am with legit rates of 4inch/hr at one point.

Nobody cares. Get the hell out of our forum

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