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aldie 22

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About aldie 22

  • Birthday 09/19/1966

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  • Location:
    Aldie, Virginia 4 miles west of Harris Teeter

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  1. Damn radar looked promising for a minute but not one drop and it's all shunting off to the south. It's a little cooler at least
  2. Well...I have my eye to the west for now...let's see how this plays out
  3. Almost moderate almost light rain in Aldie
  4. That's some nice looking rain just to my north and to my west. The temp drop has been dramatic
  5. I'm going to rename my area to Almost Virginia instead of Aldie....this place gets clipped on so many events almost never a flush hit
  6. It's pretty wild to see that feed of moisture from the gulf around Louisiana stream all the way towards us then skip over most of Virginia and Maryland then reform over Delaware and the Atlantic...I'll put in the obligatory "if this were winter" statement...yeesh
  7. That one cell to my SW is going to be painfully close
  8. Heavens to murgatroyd exit stage right
  9. That line out west is my only hope for later otherwise a fairly disappointing day so far
  10. I call this mushroom producing rain right now
  11. I could see today ending up with less than .10 in my area..these medium lead decent rain events that dry up as it gets closer are way more frustrating than the dry itself in my opinion
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