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About Maestrobjwa

  • Birthday 12/24/1990

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  • Location:
    Baltimore (City), MD
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  1. I'm in North East, MD with a full view of the bay all the way to Havre de Grace...and it was the best light show this city dweller has ever seen! Felt like ya needed sunglasses, haha Truly spectacular...how great Thou art
  2. Eh...only way it can be worse than anything we've seen the last several years is just numerically: if we finish with 0.1" or just plain 0"...we already got as low 0.2 in 2022-23! After that there's no worse to be had, hahaha But seriously though, we've basically seen every possible scenario that this winter can be, so no surprises, no new "Hm that could make things interesting/predictable". We've run out of "Oh this could be different"s! Literally exhausted all of those things to a point you can just put up a chart of the last 8 1/2 years, and just pick an outcome. Nothing new. (Side note if the PDO eventually flips again maybe then that can be something to look at since a +PDO isn't on the post 2016 list) Simply put...we already know what's up...been there, done that. For me that's where we're at only reason ya watch is if you're just in it for the science. But if you're watching it looking for anything different than 2017-now, you're wasting your time! In case ya can't tell...I'm kinda done with it. I mean could I be tempted to look this winter? I can't see a scenario where I am, but ya never know. Otherwise, could be better just to let it go and if a flake falls just say "Oh it's snowing--nice!" That and going skiing for the first time
  3. Hey, hey look! My yard won tonight's tiny blob lottery
  4. Yep--Atlantic calendar definitely broken. What's September gonna look like...all red? Lol Oh boy...who knows what having a Cat 5 this early and a basin looking like that this early could mean for the season. There any precedent?
  5. Goodness gracious. Must think it's Sept 1 or something!
  6. Isn't it a bit of a decadal cycle, though? By my count we don't hit 10 years of it until 2027 (not that that makes it feel any better, lol)
  7. Oh for real? But it wasn't an actual "blood moon" so to speak?
  8. Wow! When/where was this?
  9. I find that...the more you try and "prove yourself" online...the worse it gets. I've experienced it on here, and now somewhere less forgiving. People keep saying I'm one way and I try to argue and prove I'm not...but it just doesn't work. I'm too defensive, and I let stuff get to me when I shouldn't. Gotta free myself of other people's opinions even mattering--because opinions are fickle and difficult to change...and most of the time you have no control over them whatsoever.
  10. Nah at BWI asphalt city island this will be the official temperature
  11. You know the weather is trolling when it's clear enough during the day but then it could cloud up just in time for the light show, smh
  12. This is absolutely ridiculous we gotta drive for miles and "chase" because the dang clouds choose this weekend not to quit...insane, smh We are hard-pressed to get anything interesting in our back yards anymore!
  13. I love this, lol (the whole thread is gold, haha)
  14. We are constantly robbed of anything special around here...it's truly unbelievable, smh
  15. We can't even do clear weather at the right time right...like we already get robbed of snow...but we gotta miss this too? Mercy
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