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About Terpeast

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Ashburn, VA

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  1. The TL,DR is that there’s some uncertainty in how strong the la nina is gonna get. Models have backed away from its strength lately. But the PDO is still very negative and will remain so through winter, so enso may not even matter much for us here
  2. Actually up to 2.17” on the month. Slowly getting better, but June put me in a deep hole that’s going to take a lot to climb out of.
  3. Sneaky heat. Quietly creeped up to 92 today. Humid
  4. Radar looks sparse today. We can’t nickel and dime our way out of this drought.
  5. I know this is just skin temps, but that cool area breaking up the marine heat wave is interesting - west of Hawaii starting 20N at on NEward. Was there a recent storm along that way?
  6. Back edge approaching, lets see how long the precip holds
  7. Much lighter precip than radar would have you believe. Probably lots of dry air layered up aloft
  8. I wasn’t tracking yesterday’s storms because I was busy preparing for a job interview. So I just checked and saw that I got 0.52” imby. Not bad.
  9. Thanks for sharing. I had been wondering what the 30 day rolling average was up to yesterday And yeah, that is pretty hot!
  10. High of 98, line incoming
  11. Yeah lol i mean, it had gotten much cloudier earlier today and yesterday, whereas before it was clear skies end to end. Felt like super mario 3 where the sun is trying to kill you
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