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Weather Will

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About Weather Will

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Brunswick, Md

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  1. WB 18Z GEFS....20% chance of a White Christmas...
  2. Disappointed that I let myself get sucked in by the global models which are not worth a grain of salt outside 5 days. I will only post ensembles outside 5 days moving forward. Too much hype and false hope otherwise....
  3. 12Z AI went poof....really just need to watch the ensembles through this weekend.
  4. GEFS is too progressive, too far east, but it is deepening the tough next weekend....not done adjusting yet....we will see, at least we are in the stadium....WB 12Z yesterday compared to 6Z today at Day 10.
  5. WB 6Z GEFS has a couple members in the game for end of next week/weekend.
  6. Big difference between EURO and GFS with MJO in terms of amplitude into Phase 6 for Christmas week. If the GFS is correct, would think it will be on the warmer side. If EURO is correct, maybe we can still thread the needle with a storm being cold enough...
  7. WB 12Z EPS....thru Christmas Day. keep hope alive......
  8. Experts can tell me why I am wrong, but our one shot of snow before Christmas is about at Day 11...WB 0Z 0Z EURO AI.
  9. WB 18Z GFS...dreaming of a white Christmas....
  10. Got to get the MJO out of Phase 6....hopefully by the end of the year....
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