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Weather Will

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About Weather Will

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Brunswick, Md

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  1. WB 12Z EPS, maybe the tropics start to wake up next weekend.
  2. Direct Weather winter forecast.... no idea who they are but I like their dream maps.
  3. Almost a month past the summer solstice, it is dark again on the early pre 6am commute into DC- baby steps back to winter....
  4. WB 12Z EPS through the 28th. Maybe not as hot, moisture to the SE.
  5. NWS heat advisories are confusing. Tomorrow will be hot. Excessive heat warnings to my west, north, east, and south...come on. 100 here today.
  6. He did, says volcanic activity decreasing but that there is a lag response. Says upcoming period will be interesting to see if he is correct. Hope he is right.....
  7. Post from JB on WB. Looks like we are out of luck until after 2130... see you then.
  8. Canadian and GFS did better than the EURO. Really a quandary when even inside 48 hours the models struggle but the lesson learned is if there is a sharp cutoff and you are near it, don't count on anything.
  9. Light rain. Will take every drop.
  10. The ground is a little wet. If this were winter there would be wailing and gnashing of teeth. In fairness, the western suburbs were always on the edge of the precipitation. I was hoping for a .25. Don't think it is going to happen....
  11. Western suburbs....very frustrating. Blue skies to our west. Dark clouds to our east; couple sprinkles.
  12. WB 18Z EURO continues to show rain west of 95...
  13. WB 12Z GFS, rain totals nice tick west this run....
  14. At OZ WB EURO has ticked west with heavier precipitation while 0Z GFS remains further east.
  15. Brutal cutoff remains for weekend moisture WB 18Z EURO.
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