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About nj2va

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Alexandria, VA / McHenry, MD

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  1. 60/56 at deep creek right now. Amazing
  2. Nice downpour here. Picked up 0.3” already.
  3. 2.3” RadarScope rain total today.
  4. Well, there’s definitely no shortage of moisture in the air. Damn, is it humid.
  5. Euro looks good for rain tomorrow
  6. All of those “winter experts” with similar maps all put the 95 corridor in the same contour every year.
  7. I’d imagine we see a MD and watch issued.
  8. I knew I liked you!
  9. Whiff here. 89 degrees at 10:24p.
  10. Already up to 82 degrees.
  11. That is a wild line approaching Chicago
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