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March 4 2023 Storm Obs


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1 hour ago, dendrite said:

25-26” imby this morning. Haven’t gone into the woods.

This just popped up on my memories, 8 years ago....what snowy times down here, no where near what east of us had, but still impressive. Almost 25" base in our yard on March 4th.


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Does anyone have a QPF map for what actually fell in that last system . We were getting excited as models juiced up and the gfs had a jack of 1.50-1.9 for days (I know that didn’t occur as nobody bought that CCB nonsense over mass  .

Would just like to see some verification of what actually fell Since we pay so much attention to the lead up 

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We ended up with about 8" here in Clinton/Lancaster. Areas to the south and southwest (including Worcester city--about 500' lower than the airport) got about half that amount or less. Starting to feel like I'm in the new Lunenburg, but amounts in Sterling and Fitchburg match up. Boylston is only about six miles south, and driving through this morning, they had a couple of inches less. Shrewsbury is higher than I am by about 300' but even less there than Boylston (at the exit onto 290 west). That's been the case all winter. We had a glacial base of 2-3 inches under it. Would that have affected how well the new snow piled on? I've only lived here since last April, but the microclimate seems significantly different from where I lived in Worcester city (Green Hill Park area at 660' elevation).

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Final PNS totals, Good storm.

NOUS41 KGYX 051729

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Gray ME
1229 PM EST Sun Mar 5 2023


Location                     Amount    Time/Date       Provider


...Androscoggin County...
3 WNW Leeds                  17.5 in   0756 AM 03/05   Public
1 NNW Livermore              15.0 in   0843 AM 03/05   Public
1.8 W Lisbon Falls           13.0 in   0700 AM 03/05   COOP
4.0 SE Poland                12.9 in   0700 AM 03/05   COOP
Turner                       12.5 in   0700 AM 03/05   COOP
2 E Lewiston                 12.2 in   0630 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
4 S Livermore Falls          12.2 in   0840 PM 03/04   NWS Employee
2 N Lisbon                   12.0 in   0742 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter

...Cumberland County...
1 ESE Standish               13.9 in   0400 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Cumberland Center 4.4 NW     12.9 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
1 N Cumberland               12.5 in   0715 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
2 NE Gray                    12.4 in   0820 PM 03/04   NWS Employee
New Gloucester 3.0 SE        12.4 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
2 SSE North Windham          12.0 in   0400 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Westbrook 3.1 N              12.0 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
3 E South Windham            11.8 in   1245 PM 03/04   NWS Employee
4 WSW New Gloucester         11.8 in   0641 AM 03/05   NWS Employee
NWS Gray                     11.3 in   0700 PM 03/04   Official NWS Obs
1 NW Freeport                11.2 in   0510 PM 03/04   NWS Employee
5 NNE East Baldwin           11.0 in   0425 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
3 WSW Falmouth               10.3 in   0730 PM 03/04   NWS Employee
Portland Jetport             8.5 in    0700 PM 03/04   ASOS
South Portland 1.7 S         8.5 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS

...Franklin County...
6 WNW Madrid                 12.6 in   0646 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Farmington                   12.5 in   0130 PM 03/04   Public
Temple 1.8 W                 12.0 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
0.9 E New Sharon             9.9 in    0700 AM 03/05   COOP
1.0 W Kingfield              8.5 in    0730 AM 03/05   COOP

...Kennebec County...
Randolph                     15.0 in   0910 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Readfield 2.0 NNE            14.5 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Manchester 0.5 NE            14.4 in   0545 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Augusta 1.5 WSW              14.0 in   0645 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
2 NE South China             13.5 in   0515 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
2 ESE China                  13.0 in   0435 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
2 WNW Hallowell              12.5 in   0310 PM 03/04   Public
2 WNW Whitefield             12.0 in   0715 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
2.0 SW Waterville            11.0 in   0900 AM 03/05   COOP

...Knox County...
Union 3.0 W                  15.5 in   0708 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
2 SE Washington              12.5 in   0600 PM 03/04   Public
2 W Owls Head                12.0 in   0505 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Hope                         11.5 in   0515 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Rockland 1.4 E               11.0 in   0630 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Union 2.1 NNE                10.8 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Thomaston                    10.0 in   0935 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
1 WNW Tenants Harbor         9.5 in    0700 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Camden                       9.3 in    0745 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter

...Lincoln County...
Dresden                      13.7 in   0817 PM 03/04   Public
1 NNE Waldoboro              11.8 in   0500 PM 03/04   Cocorahs
Newcastle 2.1 SW             11.0 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
1 SSW Nobleboro              10.5 in   0646 PM 03/04
2 SE Alna                    10.0 in   0848 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Trevett 0.3 NE               9.5 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS

...Oxford County...
2 NNW South Paris            17.0 in   0520 PM 03/04   Cocorahs
1 WNW Byron                  17.0 in   0750 PM 03/04   Public
Andover 3.8 W                15.0 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Bethel 6 SSE                 14.5 in   0707 AM 03/05   COOP
2 E Hartford                 14.0 in   0520 PM 03/04   CO-OP Observer
1 WNW Otisfield              12.4 in   0715 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
2 NE Oxford                  12.0 in   0340 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
3 N Porter                   12.0 in   0525 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Oxford 5.3 SW                11.0 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS

...Sagadahoc County...
1 NE Topsham                 12.5 in   0550 PM 03/04   Public
2.3 NW Bath                  12.0 in   0700 AM 03/05   COOP
1 NW Woolwich                11.5 in   0600 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter

...Somerset County...
North New Portland 0.3 WSW   8.3 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
2 S Harmony                  8.0 in    0635 AM 03/05   CO-OP Observer
Solon 3.9 ESE                8.0 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Anson                        6.5 in    0700 AM 03/05   COOP
Palmyra 3.5 NW               6.1 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Jackman                      1.6 in    0700 AM 03/05   COOP

...Waldo County...
1 SW Belmont                 17.0 in   0650 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Prospect 2.6 W               13.6 in   0615 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
2 ESE Liberty                13.0 in   0440 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Palermo                      13.0 in   0823 AM 03/05   Emergency Mngr
Freedom                      12.5 in   0620 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
2 SE Swanville               12.0 in   1158 PM 03/04   Public
2 SW Belfast                 11.5 in   0400 PM 03/04   Public
Winterport 2.9 N             8.2 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS

...York County...
5 NNW Acton                  14.0 in   0326 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Cornish 5.6 ESE              12.8 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
2 SSW East Baldwin           12.1 in   0300 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
4 NE Shapleigh               11.7 in   0500 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
5 NW Hollis                  11.5 in   0958 PM 03/04   COOP
4 ESE Limerick               11.5 in   0647 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Parsonsfield 3.9 NE          10.5 in   0720 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
2 ENE Limington              8.5 in    0842 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
1 NNE Saco                   8.4 in    0925 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
North Berwick 5.3 W          8.0 in    0720 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
1 WSW Kittery                3.0 in    0750 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter

...New Hampshire...

...Belknap County...
2 N Laconia                  13.0 in   1205 PM 03/05   COOP
Tilton Northfield 3.3 NE     9.2 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Meredith 2.9 SSW             9.1 in    0720 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Belmont 1.7 SW               8.8 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS

...Carroll County...
East Sandwich                16.6 in   0600 AM 03/05   COOP
2 WSW South Tamworth         16.0 in   0315 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
1 E Bartlett                 14.8 in   0211 PM 03/04   Public
6 W Bridgewater              14.7 in   0954 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
1 N Madison                  14.5 in   0935 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
2 NNE Freedom                13.8 in   0505 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
1 WNW Center Sandwich        13.5 in   0500 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
North Conway                 12.2 in   0745 AM 03/05   COOP
1 NNE Ossipee                12.0 in   0740 PM 03/04   Public
Tamworth                     10.9 in   0700 AM 03/05   COOP
Wolfeboro                    9.5 in    0700 AM 03/05   COOP

...Cheshire County...
1 E Jaffrey                  8.5 in    1156 AM 03/05   CO-OP Observer
West Chesterfield 0.3 WNW    7.6 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
West Swanzey 1.0 WNW         6.9 in    1200 AM 03/05   COCORAHS

...Coos County...
5 E Shelburne                14.0 in   0617 AM 03/05   Public
Pinkham Notch                10.5 in   0530 AM 03/05   COOP
Lancaster 0.5 N              7.4 in    0600 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
1 S Berlin                   6.5 in    1203 PM 03/05   CO-OP Observer
Northumberland               6.4 in    0750 AM 03/05   COOP
Whitefield                   6.0 in    1146 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter

...Grafton County...
1 SSE Campton                10.5 in   1033 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
2 E Lincoln                  10.5 in   1035 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Plymouth 3.7 N               9.9 in    0230 PM 03/04   COCORAHS
5 N Bristol                  9.8 in    1034 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
5 SSW Lyme                   9.1 in    0850 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Hanover                      8.7 in    0400 PM 03/04   COOP
Littleton 7.3 W              7.2 in    0800 AM 03/05   COCORAHS

...Hillsborough County...
3 NNE Dublin                 10.0 in   1025 AM 03/05   Public
3 WSW Merrimack              9.3 in    1200 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
2 N New Boston               9.3 in    1019 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
2 S New Boston               9.0 in    1019 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
1 WNW Francestown            8.7 in    0648 AM 03/05   Public
2 S New Ipswich              8.5 in    1021 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Manchester Airport           8.0 in    0700 PM 03/04   ASOS
Milford 1 ESE                6.0 in    0730 AM 03/05   COOP

...Merrimack County...
Danbury 2.2 ESE              11.3 in   0800 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
New London 0.8 S             11.2 in   0600 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Bow 1.6 NW                   10.1 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
1 SSE Henniker               9.8 in    1032 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Northfield 2.8 E             9.4 in    0749 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
3 E Tilton                   9.4 in    1039 AM 03/05   Cocorahs
Contoocook 0.6 NNW           9.2 in    0710 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Dunbarton 3.8 SE             9.0 in    0600 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
2.2 W Bradford               8.0 in    0300 PM 03/04   COOP
Pittsfield 0.2 SSW           8.0 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Concord Municipal Airport    7.5 in    0700 AM 03/05   ASOS

...Rockingham County...
4 NNW Derry                  10.7 in   0745 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
1 N Deerfield                9.0 in    1009 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Epping                       8.5 in    0926 AM 03/05   CO-OP Observer
4 ESE Epsom                  8.5 in    1039 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Nottingham 1.2 S             8.3 in    0830 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Portsmouth Airport           7.1 in    0700 PM 03/04   AWOS
1 SSE Greenland              6.5 in    0700 AM 03/05   CO-OP Observer
Stratham 1.9 ESE             5.4 in    0500 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
1 W Exeter                   5.0 in    0900 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter

...Strafford County...
Strafford 2.9 N              11.5 in   0800 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
2 ENE Northwood              10.2 in   1216 PM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Barrington 3.2 E             7.9 in    0515 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
1 N Dover                    7.0 in    1217 PM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Durham                       6.5 in    1219 PM 03/05   Public

...Sullivan County...
2 NE Newport                 10.3 in   1029 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
2 WSW Unity                  10.0 in   1031 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Cornish 1.1 ENE              8.4 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
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13 hours ago, J Paul Gordon said:

We ended up with about 8" here in Clinton/Lancaster. Areas to the south and southwest (including Worcester city--about 500' lower than the airport) got about half that amount or less. Starting to feel like I'm in the new Lunenburg, but amounts in Sterling and Fitchburg match up. Boylston is only about six miles south, and driving through this morning, they had a couple of inches less. Shrewsbury is higher than I am by about 300' but even less there than Boylston (at the exit onto 290 west). That's been the case all winter. We had a glacial base of 2-3 inches under it. Would that have affected how well the new snow piled on? I've only lived here since last April, but the microclimate seems significantly different from where I lived in Worcester city (Green Hill Park area at 660' elevation).

I'd bet Clinton at 340 feet averages less snow than your old place in ORH at 660 feet....though it's probably close. This winter has just seen an unusually steep latitude gradient on several storms.

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After the storm I measured the snowpack in my yard.  South facing was 17” and north side was 25”.  Big difference was developing prior to this storm and should continue. The sunny days and mid-30s seem to do a number on the southern stuff.

Already noticed yesterday the ground starting to show on steep south road cuts again, while the ground levels out there’s 18”+.

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4 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

After the storm I measured the snowpack in my yard.  South facing was 17” and north side was 25”.  Big difference was developing prior to this storm and should continue. The sunny days and mid-30s seem to do a number on the southern stuff.

Already noticed yesterday the ground starting to show on steep south road cuts again, while the ground levels out there’s 18”+.

In March 2001, I remember later that month you'd have south facing steep slopes completely bare while an open flat field had literally about 27-30 inches of pack and in the woods, it was still over 3 feet. One of the more egregious examples I've seen of late season snow pack differences just based on proximity/angle/exposure to the March sun.

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12 minutes ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:

I haven’t seen Worcester airport get somewhat shafted compared to even lower elevations to their N and NNE so many times as this winter . Their relative lack of latitude in this Nina pattern has hurt them.

Latitude has mattered more than elevation this winter even though in many events, elevation helped a lot....but it only helped when the mid-level temps were cold enough. The persistence of it has been pretty unusual but it does happen once in a while.

We had a decent number of winters recently where ORH was absolutely crushing areas like Leominster/Lancaster/Bolton/Clinton/Shirley despite only averaging a few more inches than they do per winter....we were kind of due for one of these to regress things back toward longer term relative climo comparing each location to eachother.

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51 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

In March 2001, I remember later that month you'd have south facing steep slopes completely bare while an open flat field had literally about 27-30 inches of pack and in the woods, it was still over 3 feet. One of the more egregious examples I've seen of late season snow pack differences just based on proximity/angle/exposure to the March sun.

Yeah I know Phin had mentioned that in previous seasons too as his open field is largely south facing... having like 3 feet behind the house while his south facing open field is getting torched.  From that photo the other day it looked like his depth stake was probably on the opposite side on the north end.  He'll probably start to develop a decent gradient but probably already has to be honest.  Gene too with his south facing field.

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14 hours ago, dryslot said:

Final PNS totals, Good storm.

NOUS41 KGYX 051729

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Gray ME
1229 PM EST Sun Mar 5 2023


Location                     Amount    Time/Date       Provider


...Androscoggin County...
3 WNW Leeds                  17.5 in   0756 AM 03/05   Public
1 NNW Livermore              15.0 in   0843 AM 03/05   Public
1.8 W Lisbon Falls           13.0 in   0700 AM 03/05   COOP
4.0 SE Poland                12.9 in   0700 AM 03/05   COOP
Turner                       12.5 in   0700 AM 03/05   COOP
2 E Lewiston                 12.2 in   0630 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
4 S Livermore Falls          12.2 in   0840 PM 03/04   NWS Employee
2 N Lisbon                   12.0 in   0742 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter

...Cumberland County...
1 ESE Standish               13.9 in   0400 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Cumberland Center 4.4 NW     12.9 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
1 N Cumberland               12.5 in   0715 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
2 NE Gray                    12.4 in   0820 PM 03/04   NWS Employee
New Gloucester 3.0 SE        12.4 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
2 SSE North Windham          12.0 in   0400 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Westbrook 3.1 N              12.0 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
3 E South Windham            11.8 in   1245 PM 03/04   NWS Employee
4 WSW New Gloucester         11.8 in   0641 AM 03/05   NWS Employee
NWS Gray                     11.3 in   0700 PM 03/04   Official NWS Obs
1 NW Freeport                11.2 in   0510 PM 03/04   NWS Employee
5 NNE East Baldwin           11.0 in   0425 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
3 WSW Falmouth               10.3 in   0730 PM 03/04   NWS Employee
Portland Jetport             8.5 in    0700 PM 03/04   ASOS
South Portland 1.7 S         8.5 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS

...Franklin County...
6 WNW Madrid                 12.6 in   0646 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Farmington                   12.5 in   0130 PM 03/04   Public
Temple 1.8 W                 12.0 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
0.9 E New Sharon             9.9 in    0700 AM 03/05   COOP
1.0 W Kingfield              8.5 in    0730 AM 03/05   COOP

...Kennebec County...
Randolph                     15.0 in   0910 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Readfield 2.0 NNE            14.5 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Manchester 0.5 NE            14.4 in   0545 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Augusta 1.5 WSW              14.0 in   0645 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
2 NE South China             13.5 in   0515 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
2 ESE China                  13.0 in   0435 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
2 WNW Hallowell              12.5 in   0310 PM 03/04   Public
2 WNW Whitefield             12.0 in   0715 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
2.0 SW Waterville            11.0 in   0900 AM 03/05   COOP

...Knox County...
Union 3.0 W                  15.5 in   0708 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
2 SE Washington              12.5 in   0600 PM 03/04   Public
2 W Owls Head                12.0 in   0505 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Hope                         11.5 in   0515 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Rockland 1.4 E               11.0 in   0630 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Union 2.1 NNE                10.8 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Thomaston                    10.0 in   0935 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
1 WNW Tenants Harbor         9.5 in    0700 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Camden                       9.3 in    0745 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter

...Lincoln County...
Dresden                      13.7 in   0817 PM 03/04   Public
1 NNE Waldoboro              11.8 in   0500 PM 03/04   Cocorahs
Newcastle 2.1 SW             11.0 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
1 SSW Nobleboro              10.5 in   0646 PM 03/04
2 SE Alna                    10.0 in   0848 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Trevett 0.3 NE               9.5 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS

...Oxford County...
2 NNW South Paris            17.0 in   0520 PM 03/04   Cocorahs
1 WNW Byron                  17.0 in   0750 PM 03/04   Public
Andover 3.8 W                15.0 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Bethel 6 SSE                 14.5 in   0707 AM 03/05   COOP
2 E Hartford                 14.0 in   0520 PM 03/04   CO-OP Observer
1 WNW Otisfield              12.4 in   0715 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
2 NE Oxford                  12.0 in   0340 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
3 N Porter                   12.0 in   0525 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Oxford 5.3 SW                11.0 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS

...Sagadahoc County...
1 NE Topsham                 12.5 in   0550 PM 03/04   Public
2.3 NW Bath                  12.0 in   0700 AM 03/05   COOP
1 NW Woolwich                11.5 in   0600 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter

...Somerset County...
North New Portland 0.3 WSW   8.3 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
2 S Harmony                  8.0 in    0635 AM 03/05   CO-OP Observer
Solon 3.9 ESE                8.0 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Anson                        6.5 in    0700 AM 03/05   COOP
Palmyra 3.5 NW               6.1 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Jackman                      1.6 in    0700 AM 03/05   COOP

...Waldo County...
1 SW Belmont                 17.0 in   0650 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Prospect 2.6 W               13.6 in   0615 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
2 ESE Liberty                13.0 in   0440 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Palermo                      13.0 in   0823 AM 03/05   Emergency Mngr
Freedom                      12.5 in   0620 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
2 SE Swanville               12.0 in   1158 PM 03/04   Public
2 SW Belfast                 11.5 in   0400 PM 03/04   Public
Winterport 2.9 N             8.2 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS

...York County...
5 NNW Acton                  14.0 in   0326 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Cornish 5.6 ESE              12.8 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
2 SSW East Baldwin           12.1 in   0300 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
4 NE Shapleigh               11.7 in   0500 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
5 NW Hollis                  11.5 in   0958 PM 03/04   COOP
4 ESE Limerick               11.5 in   0647 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Parsonsfield 3.9 NE          10.5 in   0720 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
2 ENE Limington              8.5 in    0842 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
1 NNE Saco                   8.4 in    0925 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
North Berwick 5.3 W          8.0 in    0720 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
1 WSW Kittery                3.0 in    0750 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter

...New Hampshire...

...Belknap County...
2 N Laconia                  13.0 in   1205 PM 03/05   COOP
Tilton Northfield 3.3 NE     9.2 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Meredith 2.9 SSW             9.1 in    0720 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Belmont 1.7 SW               8.8 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS

...Carroll County...
East Sandwich                16.6 in   0600 AM 03/05   COOP
2 WSW South Tamworth         16.0 in   0315 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
1 E Bartlett                 14.8 in   0211 PM 03/04   Public
6 W Bridgewater              14.7 in   0954 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
1 N Madison                  14.5 in   0935 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
2 NNE Freedom                13.8 in   0505 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
1 WNW Center Sandwich        13.5 in   0500 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
North Conway                 12.2 in   0745 AM 03/05   COOP
1 NNE Ossipee                12.0 in   0740 PM 03/04   Public
Tamworth                     10.9 in   0700 AM 03/05   COOP
Wolfeboro                    9.5 in    0700 AM 03/05   COOP

...Cheshire County...
1 E Jaffrey                  8.5 in    1156 AM 03/05   CO-OP Observer
West Chesterfield 0.3 WNW    7.6 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
West Swanzey 1.0 WNW         6.9 in    1200 AM 03/05   COCORAHS

...Coos County...
5 E Shelburne                14.0 in   0617 AM 03/05   Public
Pinkham Notch                10.5 in   0530 AM 03/05   COOP
Lancaster 0.5 N              7.4 in    0600 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
1 S Berlin                   6.5 in    1203 PM 03/05   CO-OP Observer
Northumberland               6.4 in    0750 AM 03/05   COOP
Whitefield                   6.0 in    1146 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter

...Grafton County...
1 SSE Campton                10.5 in   1033 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
2 E Lincoln                  10.5 in   1035 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Plymouth 3.7 N               9.9 in    0230 PM 03/04   COCORAHS
5 N Bristol                  9.8 in    1034 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
5 SSW Lyme                   9.1 in    0850 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
Hanover                      8.7 in    0400 PM 03/04   COOP
Littleton 7.3 W              7.2 in    0800 AM 03/05   COCORAHS

...Hillsborough County...
3 NNE Dublin                 10.0 in   1025 AM 03/05   Public
3 WSW Merrimack              9.3 in    1200 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
2 N New Boston               9.3 in    1019 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
2 S New Boston               9.0 in    1019 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
1 WNW Francestown            8.7 in    0648 AM 03/05   Public
2 S New Ipswich              8.5 in    1021 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Manchester Airport           8.0 in    0700 PM 03/04   ASOS
Milford 1 ESE                6.0 in    0730 AM 03/05   COOP

...Merrimack County...
Danbury 2.2 ESE              11.3 in   0800 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
New London 0.8 S             11.2 in   0600 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Bow 1.6 NW                   10.1 in   0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
1 SSE Henniker               9.8 in    1032 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Northfield 2.8 E             9.4 in    0749 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
3 E Tilton                   9.4 in    1039 AM 03/05   Cocorahs
Contoocook 0.6 NNW           9.2 in    0710 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Dunbarton 3.8 SE             9.0 in    0600 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
2.2 W Bradford               8.0 in    0300 PM 03/04   COOP
Pittsfield 0.2 SSW           8.0 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Concord Municipal Airport    7.5 in    0700 AM 03/05   ASOS

...Rockingham County...
4 NNW Derry                  10.7 in   0745 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter
1 N Deerfield                9.0 in    1009 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Epping                       8.5 in    0926 AM 03/05   CO-OP Observer
4 ESE Epsom                  8.5 in    1039 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Nottingham 1.2 S             8.3 in    0830 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
Portsmouth Airport           7.1 in    0700 PM 03/04   AWOS
1 SSE Greenland              6.5 in    0700 AM 03/05   CO-OP Observer
Stratham 1.9 ESE             5.4 in    0500 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
1 W Exeter                   5.0 in    0900 PM 03/04   Trained Spotter

...Strafford County...
Strafford 2.9 N              11.5 in   0800 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
2 ENE Northwood              10.2 in   1216 PM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Barrington 3.2 E             7.9 in    0515 AM 03/05   COCORAHS
1 N Dover                    7.0 in    1217 PM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Durham                       6.5 in    1219 PM 03/05   Public

...Sullivan County...
2 NE Newport                 10.3 in   1029 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
2 WSW Unity                  10.0 in   1031 AM 03/05   Trained Spotter
Cornish 1.1 ENE              8.4 in    0700 AM 03/05   COCORAHS

That Parsonsfield cocorahs observer also reported 8.0" on the 4th, so if the 2 obs are accurate (and they seem to be logical to me) that 18.5" total looks like the jack.

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Snow depth measurement is a conundrum this time of year, as you all describe here.

My NWS stake is in a shaded area  (you can see it to the right of the precip can in the second photo I posted above).  I use it as a data point, but not as the data point for depth.  I take a handful of manual measurements in that general-but-less-protected area.  It gets tricky as I don't want to disturb the snow anywhere near the stake.  

I think this is the recommendation from NWS, but the gradient does become significant this time of year.  At the end of Feb,  when we were just about melted out, I was reporting 3-4" as a depth.  As you drove around town, the exposed areas were T-1".  My stake was at 5", and most of the other readings were 2-3".  Apparently a member of the public contacted GYX to ask about the validity of my readings (like I said, around in non-protected areas it was relatively thin).

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3 minutes ago, tunafish said:

Snow depth measurement is a conundrum this time of year, as you all describe here.

My NWS stake is in a shaded area  (you can see it to the right of the precip can in the second photo I posted above).  I use it as a data point, but not as the data point for depth.  I take a handful of manual measurements in that general-but-less-protected area.  It gets tricky as I don't want to disturb the snow anywhere near the stake.  

I think this is the recommendation from NWS, but the gradient does become significant this time of year.  At the end of Feb,  when we were just about melted out, I was reporting 3-4" as a depth.  As you drove around town, the exposed areas were T-1".  My stake was at 5", and most of the other readings were 2-3".  Apparently a member of the public contacted GYX to ask about the validity of my readings (like I said, around in non-protected areas it was relatively thin).

There’s a place down the street from me, perfectly square yard, fenced in, but just has the right hilltop behind it that it gets shade very fast in the afternoon… snow is never disturbed there and he will have a solid foot when my yard is melting out.  If he put a stake in the middle of his yard there it would melt almost like two weeks later… it’s incredible. He’s probably got 25-30” on ground now.  Seems to be a cold pool spot too in torches between huge white pines and the hill behind him.  Snow just doesn’t melt there.

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2 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

There’s a place down the street from me, perfectly square yard, fenced in, but just has the right hilltop behind it that it gets shade very fast in the afternoon… snow is never disturbed there and he will have a solid foot when my yard is melting out.  If he put a stake in the middle of his yard there it would melt almost like two weeks later… it’s incredible. He’s probably got 25-30” on ground now.  Seems to be a cold pool spot too in torches between huge white pines and the hill behind him.  Snow just doesn’t melt there.

That's why it's hard to gauge snowpack reports this time of year. I can't be comfortable with saying 6" of snow in my yard if half the hood is melted out. I know some hold onto snow better than others, but I always try to give a holistic view of the pack. 

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3 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

There’s a place down the street from me, perfectly square yard, fenced in, but just has the right hilltop behind it that it gets shade very fast in the afternoon… snow is never disturbed there and he will have a solid foot when my yard is melting out.  If he put a stake in the middle of his yard there it would melt almost like two weeks later… it’s incredible. He’s probably got 25-30” on ground now.  Seems to be a cold pool spot too in torches between huge white pines and the hill behind him.  Snow just doesn’t melt there.

I feel like every neighborhood has a place like that. There's a house around the corner from me that will do the exact same thing you describe....my front yard has some protection from afternoon sun, so it can take a while to melt out, but this guy literally might take an extra week to melt out. His yard just doesn't get any sun at all except early morning between around 7-10am and then it's nothing the rest of the day. It will look ridiculous sometimes when the entire street is melted out except piles/patches and this guy literally has like a 4-6" level snowpack covering the entire lawn.

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9 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

That's why it's hard to gauge snowpack reports this time of year. I can't be comfortable with saying 6" of snow in my yard if half the hood is melted out. I know some hold onto snow better than others, but I always try to give a holistic view of the pack. 

It’s just too variable to truly know, especially by mid-March.  Give it another couple weeks and north facing could be same depth as now while south is gone.  Around here we also are on the river bottom which seems to be deeper snow from mid-winter torches holding fake cold in.  So many mesoscale features going on… but super hard to put 1 number on it.

I still think the best is to report what you have.  That’s how you build consistency in records too.  It is what it is… but some folks take it seriously if they feel a local number isn’t representing what they have too :lol:.

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22 hours ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:

Does anyone have a QPF map for what actually fell in that last system . We were getting excited as models juiced up and the gfs had a jack of 1.50-1.9 for days (I know that didn’t occur as nobody bought that CCB nonsense over mass  .

Would just like to see some verification of what actually fell Since we pay so much attention to the lead up 

Locally, the Husdon COOP had 6.3" on 1.04" and West Hampstead had 8.4" on 1.10". 

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28 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

I feel like every neighborhood has a place like that. There's a house around the corner from me that will do the exact same thing you describe....my front yard has some protection from afternoon sun, so it can take a while to melt out, but this guy literally might take an extra week to melt out. His yard just doesn't get any sun at all except early morning between around 7-10am and then it's nothing the rest of the day. It will look ridiculous sometimes when the entire street is melted out except piles/patches and this guy literally has like a 4-6" level snowpack covering the entire lawn.

My brother's yard is like that, he's on the bottom of a hill facing north, he has a pack long after mine's gone.

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