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"We're gonna need a bigger plow..." Massive, persistent singal now emerges discretely in the models, 20th-23rd

Typhoon Tip

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down to freezing now from a high of 53 at about noon, good little squall line came through with the front but nothing major, winds are about 10-15 occasionally gusting, this morning must've blown the tarp off the wood pile, everything wet on top couple layers, that was fun restacking... went to Waterbury earlier today and my brother in law lives on top of bunker hill, looked like a tornado went through, man limbs and debris every where, rouge garbage cans everywhere..

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Precip thru 4:45 here is 2.84", the first 0.41" in SN/IP/mush thru 7:30 this morning.  CAD lasted to about 1:30, at which time the temp went from mid 30s to upper 40s in one hour and gusts into the 30s began, though no real screechers like others are having.   That temp pegged at 48; it's still mild but if the instrument stays up there once the cooldown arrives, I'll know the sending unit's batteries got drowned as the NE side of our house has gotten a washing.  Hopefully it didn't wreck the instrument.  Given the upstream echoes, we might make a run at 4".   It's already replaced 12/25/20 as the biggest calendar day precip event in December here, though our deep and cold pack has only dropped from 16" to 13" (so far).

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