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Northfield, NH
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We may have to ask again. https://www.wgbh.org/news/local/2022-08-24/ask-dave-epstein-will-my-lawn-ever-recover-from-the-drought
I had fun one night last winter looking back on old AFDs and other text products from the 80s and 90s on the ISU site.
Rubberband man?
Please tell me you found this on twitter and you weren’t just perusing ukie sfc winds in europe for fun.
It’s clearly the best at identifying arctic airmasses. I mean it’s ran out of Canada.
That map is trash.
George washington had a June 28 freeze around his sycamore in 1774 so I should hold off on the peppers until at least June 10.
Should we include data from the last glacial maximum 18kya if we had it too? How about the Medieval warm period? We still have long term averages out there. It’s just a different dataset from the daily and monthly norms.
None of these things suck as much as the Bruins.
Well I think it’s okay to do it this way. Times and climate change. At some point, what thy oxen felt during the Civil War shouldn’t have an effect on what we should expect today. But 30 years seems short to me. I think 50 would be better.
You’re not factoring in 28 days and Punxsutawney though. Phil is ending this shit early.
CON Jan normals have gone from 29.8/7.4/18.6 to 31.6/12.9/22.3. A climb of 3.7F in the last 30 years. So I’m a little indifferent to a 2F or 3F BN Jan in current times considering it would’ve been AN when I was growing up in the 90s. -10s there should be par.
These d16 warmth posts are going to be very triggering to Greta’s dad.
Love like I’d love a bullet in the head.