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About wokeupthisam

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    Farmington NH

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  1. Finally some luck with heavier rain hanging around long enough to soak in, 1.89" since about 6:30am. Badly needed esp with a return of heat looming.
  2. Line split / attenuated some as it approached but had a lingering back edge that got us to .78" of welcome water into the soil
  3. 0.11" yesterday from morning sprinkles, nada from aftn convection either missed to north, or dried up on approach. 0.24" for July mtd and just 1" in last 30 days. Crunched vs crushed.
  4. Here's the two severe-warned storms over Maine near Gorham
  5. A bit warm to the touch out there. Ambient station reads 92.8/79.7 and feels like 111.5. Situated in full sun at about 11ft over thick grass. No mowing or outdoor chores today any way it's sliced...
  6. Maybe more the result of the prolonged excessive moisture last year. Drought seems to curtail their ranks noticeably more so than cold.
  7. Was in Vegas July 5-11 in 2021. Couldn't be outside in the sun for more than a minute or two, skin felt as if it were touching a hot stove except there was no way to pull away, while in the shade it just felt like standing too close to a fire. Temp went over 114 multiple days, highest was 117 I think. Even the locals were complaining, just brutal.
  8. Acres of lawn growing fast now - dandelions allowed as they're early food for honeybees. We drive on this grass with vehicles including an 12,000 lb tractor all the time, and never aerate, treat, or water. When it's dry (as in 2022) it gets brown and we let it go dormant. Good 'old farm' soil over 12" deep and continued natural wildlife 'fertilization' keeps it happy.
  9. 30.4F, -SN & blowing snow, hard to tell for the drifting but est. about 8". Everything plastered & power still out. Nasty storm
  10. Where was this Christmas week? Waiting for April, that's where - just as I complained it would. SMH
  11. Well that was quick, power out. NHEC 100% outage for the town. 31.5F, SN and... "windy"
  12. With any luck, the 18-24" Gray forecasts will just blow into the neighbor's yards...
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