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About backedgeapproaching

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    Manchester,VT: 1124'

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  1. There are a few different pre emergent options and they have different time periods that they cover based on rate of application. Some only cover as little as 30 days-ish. Some can cover 90-120. Depending on what you applied and when, you could have lost all coverage to stop crabgrass from coming up (if applied early spring) Sometimes you need to do a split application and apply again mid summer. Don't shoot the messenger about chemicals..lol. Just giving info. Also, the thicker you can get your grass also reduces weeds that will germinate. I don't use pre emergent, but do get some crabgrass pop up in spots and some other random stuff.
  2. 2 days ago I was outside and my cat chased 2 Fishers into the woods, saw it first hand. I wonder how aggressive they really are towards house cats? Interesting article below. Coyotes, yea that is a different story for sure. https://archive.nytimes.com/scientistatwork.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/04/06/do-fishers-really-eat-cats/
  3. I did the same, letting it get little long to shade the soil, although it's been dry here so it has not been growing like it normally does. Defintley some drought stress showing yesterday.
  4. Cars have that mid winter caked salt look from the dust and pollen around here. I have had about 1" of rain since May 1st, heavy watering of veggies and gardens
  5. Just how the chamber draws it up for my daughter's outdoor school concert.
  6. I don't think there is any repellent of any kind that works on them. Maybe @tamarack knows some old school concoction..
  7. Leaf out exploding in the SVT banana belt. Low 70s today and mostly sunny. Perfect May day.
  8. Decent cirrus in the Adirondaks right now, sun still coming through, so hope it holds like this!
  9. Phin got banned..maybe 2 years ago at this point?
  10. I do remember him posting about some streamer/upslope type scraps like you mentioned a number of times. It's obviously not prime upslope country, but good enough to get some leftovers? Certainly closer to the source region of orographic type snows than Gene would be. But, I am just spit balling and he would obviously know more than me...ha.
  11. My property tax already almost doubled last year. They reassessed all of Manchester in 2023, they went through the roof.
  12. 6" new in about 2 hours under the last band that hung overhead. Even with a good amount of IP, still up to 19.1" for the event. LOT of liquid in this. Could have been an all timer without that mid level warmth push. Still really impressive.
  13. This guy is in a little trouble I would say..down by Mitch in Searsburg VT..lot of ZR I'm sure contributed.
  14. That's been well modeled for a few days, the mix line always looked to come in quick to his area. My area was more uncertain, but held off long enough to stay snow or mostly snow for now.
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