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About dendrite

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Northfield, NH

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  1. Wasn’t likely to happen. Ens were never enthused and ops lost it about 6hrs after I posted it. The warmth gets pinched off before it can really build in. It’s just a brief warmup now.
  2. 43.6° Still struggling to make it into 30s. It’ll be another late first freeze.
  3. The surge is already built up to some extent after 2 days of cat5. 7 tors/spouts here just offshore.
  4. 92mph on the KF45 (North Palm Beach) AWOS. Probably a direct hit from a tor.
  5. Nice. You may already have metfan beat for seasonal snowfall.
  6. Green mountain feeds would be my suggestion. Someone must carry it there. https://www.greenmountainfeeds.com/products/poultry/
  7. Ex’s parents are in Port Charlotte and I have family friends in Venice so I’m very familiar with that whole area. It makes me sick to imagine that area getting wiped out.
  8. That sand on Siesta Key is going to be in rough shape.
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