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4 hours ago, vegan_edible said:

by default i should hate winter as a skateboarder, but a lot of people somehow neglect the beauty that this season brings. makes me kinda sad to hear how much people dislike it, there's literally nothing like the peace and serenity that a snowstorm brings. people are too caught up in their little world of social media and screen time to just sit outside and listen to the amazing silence during a snowstorm. not to get too deep into it but my mother unexpectedly passed in december at way too young of an age. from my early childhood she always instilled the beauty of what nature brings, especially with snow. thats why im so hellbent on us actually getting a storm this winter. funny enough it drove me to this forum which has become one of my fav things to read throughout the day. 

anyway. yes, nation full of couch potato morons. agree

My condolences on your mom's unexpected passing. 


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6 hours ago, vegan_edible said:

my condolences liberty. i'm 27 and still in shock. really holding out hope we get some good snow this year, i really need that serenity

I'm sorry :/. I wish there was some magic phrase that could be said to make the pain dissappear or lessen, but as you know this is not how it works. What I can tell you is this - the pain dulls and as it does, the joy of their life and love eventually shines through. I have lost both my parents and while it was -and sometimes still is- heartbreaking, their memories now allow me to smile most of the time. As time passes that sharp pain subsides to an ache and then one day is eventually replaced with a small joy as you remember, realize and re-live their profound impact on your life.

I would not wish this pain on my worst enemy, but I can promise you, it grows you in ways you never thought possible while simultaneously allowing you to enjoy their love in a way you could not before, even though they are no longer physically here to provide it. 

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Morning thoughts…

Today will be partly sunny and seasonably cold. Some flurries are possible late in the day or at night from an Arctic cold front. High temperatures will reach the upper 30s and lower 40s in most areas.  Likely high temperatures around the region include:

New York City (Central Park): 40°

Newark: 42°

Philadelphia: 41°

Tomorrow will be sharply colder. After a very cold start to the weekend, temperatures will rebound strongly. 


New York City: 30-Year: 40.0°; 15-Year: 40.2°

Newark: 30-Year: 40.6°; 15-Year: 40.9°

Philadelphia: 30-Year: 41.8°; 15-Year: 41.9°

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The next 8 days are averaging     35degs.(28/42)or +1.

Reached 43 here yesterday at 4pm.

Today:    38-41, wind w=breezy late., m. sunny, 25 tomorrow AM.

Yep.   The EURO is a hot one.        Sneaky cold near the 11th. for some snow?


31*(69%RH) here at 6am.       35* at Noon.        37* at 1pm.       Reached 40* at 4pm.        37* at 8pm.

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11 hours ago, weatherpruf said:

Meh, a lot of people have left here. You should have seen some of the characters that used to show up; an energy trader who would scream at people, and threatened another poster with being his footstool for 250 k a year, which got a few great responses here, another poster Mulen would just jump in with some hilarious observation then disappear, then there was Pamela who I guess was trans and moved to Montana or someplace. We had a chemist from Merck who meticulously measured snowfall in CNJ, and others who I'm sure I left out. There's not been much winter weather to really discuss for the last two years. 

Good riddance to energy traders, they are one of the plagues of society.

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18 minutes ago, jm1220 said:

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning. 

This winter you just have to laugh. 

it means 6 more weeks of the winter we've already had.

why does this get so much airtime on The Weather Channel?

do they think people who are actually interested in the weather actually care about this?


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11 hours ago, weatherpruf said:

Really, winter does suck for most people; after 31 years in the mental health field, I can tell you many people suffer from depression in winter, simply because it is winter. It's called Seasonal Affective Disorder ( SAD ). People will sometimes even get it in spring or summer if the weather is cloudy and rainy for extended periods. OTOH, many people find the brightness of snow to lift up their spirits some. 

Yes!  That's exactly how I feel.  I can't stand rain, but when it snows it actually lifts my spirits and it feels less cold.


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12 hours ago, vegan_edible said:

wow, very sad she couldn't experience some of those block buster winters with you, but still so glad to hear you hold those memories tightly with you. its a bit odd for me because i'm new to the area, ive lived in westchester for under a year, but i'm from albany originally. man am i missing the storms that would roll through there. I remember my senior year of high school 2013/2014 it seemed like in late jan/february a 4 inch event was equivalent to a dusting. After that I moved to savannah, ga for college and obviously missed out besides being home for holiday break, then did a 1.5 year stint in socal before i ended up moving back east with a big craving for snow

Thanks-- everyone is so kind with all the condolences, if I was going to thank everyone individually it would be like a dozen posts in a row and you know I could NEVER do that ;-)

I hope you got to experience and remember 2002-03 (that Christmas snowstorm was amazing!) in Albany because that was one amazing and prolonged snowfall season up there and down here.  I actually worked up in Albany in the late 90s and early 00s for a time.  Lovely area and you could see the mountains even from inside the city.


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57 minutes ago, LibertyBell said:

where is this heat coming from? is the sun suddenly brightening up or something?


It's just plain hard to get good looks in a la nina February any way you slice it. Unless, blocking. The way I see it, there's also some constructive interference from the MJO with la nina just prior to that. So there it is. West gets the trough, as you can see by the cold there. We ridge. 

Beyond that, it's a little iffy to me. The MJO might want to keep it moving. But also, the American guidance is saying the strat might need to be watched again now. Which may add uncertainty beyond that. You just know that one will go off too, just in time to ruin spring :axe:

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