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About Stormlover74

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Franklin Township, NJ
  • Interests
    weather, snow, storms, wind, politics, sports, tv, music

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  1. Thankfully friday on looks great
  2. I wish it would just rain and clear up. This constant cloudy weather is awful
  3. It was also going to be hit and miss. Some places are doing quite well
  4. What did you think? Overall I thought decent but maybe not as good as the original
  5. Nam is fairly wet overnight Monday and overnight Tuesday
  6. We need a certain amount of rain each week or it starts to dry out
  7. We could always hit 90 even into early October
  8. True but it's like who would ever say no more 90s with 6 weeks of summer left and another month of potential heat after that
  9. I just overheard some people talking. Guy says its such a beautiful day I think we're done with the 90s
  10. Did a 4 mile walk on the tow path
  11. Ah yes those 3 days of "cool" weather. Hasn't been below 70 since
  12. Would imagine I'm closing in on an inch
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