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6 minutes ago, Jonger said:

 I wonder what percentage of people make up the largest percentage of those being tested. Like hypochondriacs.

I have speculated since the start of the pandemic that some percentage of the case numbers were driven by people with allergies or psychosomatic symptoms who get tested regularly and generate false positives.

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4 minutes ago, UMB WX said:

I still laugh at  the night you blocked, phin.   

LOL I was a little wasted. 

But this OSU guy is a real winner. I get tired of his BS. Oh well, he's gone now off my feed.

Phin is harmless. I like him. But he's and engineer. I've known a bunch. They're all alike :)



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Just now, WhitinsvilleWX said:

LOL I was a little wasted. 

But this OSU guy is a real winner. I get tired of his BS. Oh well, he's gone now off my feed.

Phin is harmless. I like him. But he's and engineer. I've known a bunch. They're all alike :)



 OSU can melt the snowflake's down with the best of them. He's harmless and an asset. 

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2 minutes ago, OSUmetstud said:

I went out to dinner the other night and listened to some irish music with my gf. So I would say Im doing alright. Thanks for asking, though. 

His Narrative's pushed since fall are crumbling down on him.   

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23 hours ago, WhitinsvilleWX said:

That's the issue in my mind.

And..it was "follow the science" when it suited a particular agenda.

Most MDs and PhD's that I know new exactly what the CDC is saying now. But the corporate media get their news from blue check twitter doctors.

Whether people realize it or nor, we've had a huge experiment with nice controls. Florida and Texas were the control and the null hypothesis turned out to be true. p>0.05.

To me, the number one, overriding thing that cause the mass hysteria, masking, closures, lockdowns and the overall mayhem was the idea of total asymptomatic spread. Was BS then, is BS now. The idea that 40-50% of all cases were being spread by people running around the population totally healthy that didn't know they had it was ludicrous. And any scientist/medical doctor who went along with that notion was/is a dishonest fool. 

My biggest regret in all this, beyond keeping business shuttered, beyond the kids on Zoom for a year, was the nursing home carnage. That was a travesty of the highest order. That didn't need to happen on the scale that it did.

Not to be a prig ... or come off as wantonly contrarian, but has "asymptomatic" expression vs spread debate actually been settled - like...obviously so?  I keep hearing that is the case, but it sounds just like statements - I have not been exposed ( so admittedly..) to any circuitry of empirical data and scientific factualization method on the subject matter. 

Is it factually, and empirically data-wise proven, such that the term ludicrous is the best most apt expression for this particular folly of our times - LOL

Tongue-in-cheek aside, I actually "suspect" the gist of what you said in that bold is so, anyway ?  - I do. 

But I also push my hypothesis ( again here ) that we are living through an actual 'evolutionary era,' one that I have referred to as a 'techno-sociological experiment of evolution'. One that may not be defined as being so, until it is reviewed by historians, subsequently ... futuristic anthropologists ... Furthering out yet, any interloping aliens sifting through the rubble scratching their heads going, ' zunt guib bocken-stet ...' - loosely translated:  "These dumb mother f*ers"

- assuming Fermi Paradox avoidance for a moment Who knows how many hundreds, or thousands of years it will take for reflections to evince, to prove how technology is fashioning biology.  One thing I - personally - am 100% confident of, if we are not a part of that future ( as in, at all...), it 'fashioned' our ass right off the planet - hence the 'avoidance' of Fermi thing... But that's going down a different conference.

It is the first time in history that a species on this planet (namely ..us)  was/is capable of doing that.  Whether it is done directly through genetic engineering, or indirectly so by exposure to our own toxicity in the environment, these intended/unintended 2ndary modulates are veritable evolutionary bombs. They are forces that are vastly, vastly more powerful then pure Darwinian model. Why?  Because Darwinian models require wholly gratuitous chance, where as tech ...removes that aspect operating on us.  We now force changes in time frames too small to register against that of geologic 'eternity' clock. What took humanity 750, 000 years of surviving vicissitudes, to arrive at the ability to split an atom and decode the genome - these abilities we have now, which in similar concept as "Moore's Law," lead to furthering advances at a demonstratively outpaced rate to any geologic time dependence, when and where randomness gets chosen by favorable elections as usable or discarded along the previous 750K years. 

We are the first to do that, not only as a species in this world's 'biome', but to our selves.  We really are at a historical threshold.  Again by comparison to the normal gestation of species evolution in geological terms, it will be a matter of mere moments before changing our eye colors over a 6-month retro-virus re-allocation sequencing therapy.  Or a reality where if one would rather maintain rich their vibrant sexually appealing manes of hair well into their 90s, they can do that as well - -uh, for the right "capital Darwinian winner price" ... I.Q.'s and super races follow - and expose the Liberal Kumbaya is at best in an intense negotiation against the forces of the real Universe - morality and ethics ...purely human conceits, evolutionary emergence' along the way because we need cooperation for the community's survival.  The Universe outside our bubble of conceit? It appears all evidences notwithstanding, to be blithe.

I digress...  The reactionary society thing you danced around in your bold, is an expression of the techno-sociology experiment.  It is one where the internet and access of too much information for the 'gate' of individual reads - then integrating into modalities in the society as a whole... Mm...not good.  It feeds-backs negatively toward hysteria ...  uncontrolled actions based up less then critical analysis/objective reasoning.  

You know, reality used to be  that 99% of population was simpler - not a knock.  It's the way things were.  We were poke and lever, yolk, sweat and leather... that was the brain trust of civilities. That's what geared civilization.  It was a lot more black and white, where the enlightenment was vastly outnumbered by a static, less motivated ubiquitous normalization.  It is a great on paper that we all have access to enlightenment, but it is a problem in reality when it creates a vast gray area of civility not possessing proportionate categorical processing  ...where policies are made.  And it is happening faster than normal process of information critique can ever resolute proper recourses.  Moving all of civility to a recourse(s) proven false ...and it's not the first time, either, demonstrating the out-pacing.  Simply put, we fought and fight two pandemics along the way:  

1     COVID-19 

2     Histrionics by too many people and agencies to stem the tide of incorrect recourse. 

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That Spanish Flu did that ...

Common knowledge by now ( or should be ..), Influenza a and Influenza b are in fact genomic ancestors of that progenitor pandemic agent from 100 years ago.  Yeah, they can cause a crummy week and enough misery in their own rights, but they are far less deadly/injurious then the original.

It is likely that COVID-19/ SAR -Cov 2 takes similar evolutionary track.  If you think about it , it makes sense in a sort of "mathematics of evolution" sense of it.  I'll have to look it up as I can't remember where, but I did read or hear it explained ... It doesn't make sense for any virus to ultimately kill the hosts, because that would - given time - impede its probability of successfully transmitting itself to subsequent targets.  It's seems pretty clad as a statement ... That is why they are usually for more deadly - or just worse so in general ... - when they are novel to a species population.  Then, they settle back into a maintenance infection and recovery ... So perhaps in decades C-19 is just another rhino virus head cold.

You know, there's even a branch of this science that suggests it is possible, ... eventually they settle back into just being accepted by the host ...forever immortalized as dormant drone genes.  I've read that too - ...fascinating.  Human mitochondrial DNA has evidence of being influenced in this way.   

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1 minute ago, jbenedet said:

The exceptional drought out west is most impressive for the fact that it’s worsening while an UL trough is anchored over that part of the CONUS. They’re in terrible shape now given seasonality...

I was just noticing that yesterday ...yeah.

weird -

why isn't it raining in the trough out west. 

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1 hour ago, jbenedet said:

The exceptional drought out west is most impressive for the fact that it’s worsening while an UL trough is anchored over that part of the CONUS. They’re in terrible shape now given seasonality...

it's also dry on parts of the east coast-N NE, the Carolinas....

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1 hour ago, jbenedet said:

The exceptional drought out west is most impressive for the fact that it’s worsening while an UL trough is anchored over that part of the CONUS. They’re in terrible shape now given seasonality...

Lake Mead 17.5' lower than last year.  Though last year was the highest in awhile.

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6 hours ago, Brian5671 said:

I wonder how long many of these testing sites will last.   CT is down to a couple hundred cases per day and falling....I'd guess you can always get a test at your dr's office....

Probably going to need to keep some around for the rest of the year. Much of last summer saw infection rates below 1%, so despite doing tons of testing the positive rate was at times coming in as low as 0.2% with only about 50 people hospitalized statewide and that was without vaccines. Have to wait and see how much improvement is just the seasonal cycle, and the state is going to be aggressively monitoring to try to get ahead of any localized outbreaks.

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59 minutes ago, Ginx snewx said:

Complicated but on Trust wallet you have to buy bnb then use pancake swap .Best to Google how to buy safemoon.  Hey up 6% lol 

You could file this under reason 178 why we must be near a market speculative top . Ginxy buying Safemoon 

not a criticsm Steve , I know it’s play money and could go up 10x 

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