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Everything posted by Modfan2

  1. That band of showers now showing a bow-esqe like look to it
  2. Wow, gust front just came through here with this batch of showers, wasn’t expecting that!
  3. Meh, some rumbles of Thunder and flashes of lightning and .52 overnight. SW CT got the best
  4. Looking like maybe a nice bow for the 495 area although winds do not appear that impressive
  5. Looks like some decent rotation Leominster/Princton area
  6. Not nearly as warm here like yesterday, has been 86/87 where yesterday was 92/93
  7. BOX just posted a future cast radar and looks pretty meh?
  8. Pretty cloudy here, wonder if this burns off? If not it will muck things up later this afternoon.
  9. Looks like it has a nice line running right along the MA/CT border
  10. When does HRRR run? Seemed like it was pretty on point with yesterdays storms
  11. Looks like Claremont Speedway in NH had some considerable damage
  12. Down to 69F this am, just missed the storm to my north last night here in E CT. Let’s see what today brings.
  13. Sounds like Orange, Ma got hit hard with many trees down
  14. Decent winds showing on radar around greenfield
  15. Got cloudy here about an hour ago, not sure if from debris from the storms near Hartford or some marine layer but temps dropped from 91 to 83
  16. Was gonna say, looks like it’s back building your way
  17. Nice little enhancement off the Quabbin in Western Ma with those storms
  18. 74F and rain, .30 so far. The crab grass is happy
  19. Looks like rain setting up here in E CT/RI/SE Ma
  20. 85/72 and a fantastic breeze here in E CT, a great mid summers day!!
  21. Low of 74F this am in E CT but oddly it doesn’t feel that humid; deck and cars dry and now a nice breeze; nothing like the few days.
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