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Everything posted by Modfan2

  1. Looks like the cells in W CT are falling apart as they move east
  2. Got the 7/10 split here, heavier cell in Plainfield to my south and the one in Woodstock to my north; .60” of rain
  3. Looks like it might miss you just to the SE
  4. Sunny is breaking out here on the 395 corridor, sooner than I thought.
  5. Thinking the same thing, does debris from that muck up things later? Think showers earlier here might hurt burning off the clouds here
  6. Nice downpour, .10 and 73F.
  7. 49F and COC AC provided! Beautiful two days of summer incoming!
  8. Like freight train coming through here, crazy light show
  9. Just judging by radar you and Kev appear to be in a good position
  10. Looks like it’s moving more NE than E.
  11. FF warning hoisted for the Worcester area
  12. It’s further NW from Ginxy and I, more along 84 towards Kevin
  13. Almost looks like it’s moving more NE than E; congrats 84 west??
  14. Wow, decent train set up just south of the pike, was that expected?
  15. Looks like a day reprieve from the heat, warm again Tuesday/Wednesday and season towards the end of the week?
  16. I know dynamics are different yesterday to today, but yesterday We struggled with getting sun to burn off the deck, and hovered 78-80; today sun is out and into the low 80’s and noticeably more humid. Does it mean anything for this afternoon, who knows.
  17. Sun just came out here in E CT, almost 2 hours earlier than yesterday; we destabilize
  18. Watch this end up being further south in Central Western Ma
  19. Getting brighter here in E CT compared to yesterday not getting sun until afternoon and a decent breeze at the moment.
  20. How do we look here south of the pike?
  21. Are these storms going to fire up all day, or do we clear out this am and for the afternoon storms?
  22. 65F for a low and .94” of rain after both rounds this morning, .65 with the storms yesterday and my lawn is happy
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