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July 2020 Discussion

Baroclinic Zone

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2 hours ago, Baroclinic Zone said:

Yeah, I said to him the other day as we got closer and the signal for big heat was still there, go ahead and create a thread.

I was suggesting a thread for if/when the 'historic' nature became more certain? ... seemed higher confidence being inside of D5 in the Euro ...but, this was a very sensy scenario and minor perturbations having bigger impacts on the potential.. i.e., no wiggle room.

...I'm in Brian's camp this morning ... seems more 94 to 97-like ...not sure that's worth a thread.  Although, the SW/W EML/thermal air layer ejection is note-worthy.  But the atmosphere is fumbling around and f'ing up the hydrostatic/wind circulation medium too much to either sustain it, or purify the heat potential on Sunday now. It'll probably happen now ...watch.

Anyway, the overall complexion of this has alleviated some... more of a standard heat wave, but watch for Sunday I guess. The problem is we're right on the westerlies... It's not the best climo synopsis for it - and it's weird.  I mean ...590 heights and the westerlies find a way to be outside the ridge?? wtf is happening -

Today is a real piece of shit work. Wow - digression in coming... this is what it means to live in this vomit hole east of the Berkshires .... I love winter, but I f'n can't stand this asshole geography in July....  SSE wind packing saturable air east of elevations, while westerly pre-warm frontal slope flow actually negatively feeds back by trying to warm it!  It's a persecution complex built right in around here.. lol.   Anyway, the inversion protects it from actually getting eroded out of here; so it means we rot in it like a catacomb, eternally...   It's almost like San Francisco's famed month "Foggaust" on roids

I've seen this many times in the summer here.  We get our coldest weather about 10 minutes before the front - metaphorically speaking... but, we could surge almost 15 F overnight when the boundary finally overcomes the geology/topography and mixes down...then, ...rocket to 94 F at ASH-BED-BDL tomorrow by 4 pm for a total 24-hour change of 30 F across the the weakest boundary physically plausible but still could be defined by atmospheric physics ...all because Mt f'um Greylock protects the sludge to the east ... 

This is the summer version of an ice-storm as weakly analogous?   This is that same shit that jams in ahead of a warm front and forces an occluded triple point S of the region in winter, then when the occluded front comes through, you actually get a temp spike in the "cold sector" behind the low...  Only we're doing it 30 F warmer up the dial.  Right now the WPC analysis shows the front occluded west of Alb... That has to come through ... the NAM had RH2 and RH3 dropping below 60% be 4pm even as far E as KBOS so maybe it sweeps house... my guess is it takes longer...

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38 minutes ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

The mold and mildew were brutal.  I would take a week of dry high 90’s over that shit.  Useless. 

Yup. Bascially any warm season weather where you can be outside doing something. I’ll even take 85/70 if it’s sunny but dews usually accompany shitty mornings (just like today) and then higher chances of rain or storms in the PM (just like today). Not many enjoy the greyness it brings.  

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5 minutes ago, dendrite said:

I don't really want to debate the probability of a 59F vs 60F dew over a tarmac though.

This is only the 9th summer of Dew debate.

One group using model data which is based on dews at ASOS stations, and another who wants to use the Davis dews. 

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Mm... 12z Euro comes in and I may thread that out...  if that hasn't already happened..

I just went over the FOUS grid ( NAM ) and 00z Monday has +22 to +24C 850 mb temperature over Logan.... while it is 30 C in the T1 temperature at Albany at 8 f'n pm no less, 31 C at 18z Sunday afternoon...  See, some previous solutions had more of a west wind and if that were to say 'correct' that way and that ALB air comes down slope... ooph

The thing about that is that the wind is 210 deg at Boston, which is probably picking up some S. Coastal marine contamination...  Out in Metrowest that may be west of that diffuse mixed BL and be suffering above MOS guidance given to that thermal compression ...  That is a rare 850 layer there and previous NAM runs had a 240 deg wind over eastern Mass ...so maybe/maybe not we get protected...    The raw adiabat from a 850 mb tall BL staring at 24 C in 100 F ;) at 1000 sigma so it's probably 102 if maximized at Logan ... So there's got to be something limiting the realization of that potential.  It looks like the wind direct because the RH's are all < 50 % ... open sky between noon at 6 pm on Sunday with 850 mb temperature pasing +24C ... 88 at the surface - okay NAM

I just wonder if the wind is wrong ... it's 20 degs of dial away from Heat Warning ( probably ...)...  interesting.

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20 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

Euro had winds more 210 too Sunday aftn. So, what you may lose from actual temps, you may gain in dewpoints. 

yeah...I'm wondering if the winds can go more west in this new run... 

thing is, at our latitude, it's hard to move 77 legit DPs much over 95... I mean it can happen and has... rarely, but I doubt it was on a 210 wind when it did

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2 hours ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

It was the worst summer of my lifetime. Simply because of the misery mornings filled with clouds, fog, and drizzle followed by like two hours of lunchtime sun before the afternoon/evening rains. For two months it was practically monsoon season. Every day I left work, it poured. Not severe storms either just training type tropical rains. You litterly couldn’t do anything outside after work all week. The weekends were washouts too. You’d have to get things done around lunctime in that small window of some sunny dews. Ya know, like chopping down all the tropical weeds, vegetation, and spraying and chizzling away at mold growing around the house. I had a 8ft weed next to my mailbox where I had to use a chainsaw to cut down. It was a disgustingly depressing summer. Never again. 

Yep the vegetation that grew in my neighbors yard, but on my property line, grew into something you would see in the Amazon. I had to train for a half marathon that year too. Simply dreadful.

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come to think about it ...that'd be a fun geek study to put up the top 20 high temperatures, ranked 1 to 20 ...with the wind direction at the time the temp was taken...  Getting really tedious...the average wind in the 6-hours preceding...  Then, add DPs - 

Do Nashua, Logan 

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While we’re talking heat, let’s discuss hot Saturday 1975 and the days leading in.  The day before (8/1/75) hir 98 at Logan, at that time the hottest in >5 years.  It was that classic hot town summer in the city feel.  My girlfriend and I went to eat dinner at this place near Washington Square Brookline -middle eastern place named Havanagila.  I was grooving in the heat!  I was living in the south end-the old piano factory and had a great apartment shared with my buddy.  I won the coin toss and my bedroom was the loft.  Damn it was hot!  Must have been 87-88 at midnight.   The winds on hot Saturday were perfect-WNW as I recall...enough to pop ACK to 100!  I was supposed to be watering my friend’s plants-he lived on Comm Ave Brighton and had ac so we retreated there.  The next day we walk outside and it’s 40 degrees cooler.  One of the all timer doors!  The same day I’m watching a ball game from Pittsburgh and it’s upper 90s.

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33 minutes ago, weathafella said:

While we’re talking heat, let’s discuss hot Saturday 1975 and the days leading in.  The day before (8/1/75) hir 98 at Logan, at that time the hottest in >5 years.  It was that classic hot town summer in the city feel.  My girlfriend and I went to eat dinner at this place near Washington Square Brookline -middle eastern place named Havanagila.  I was grooving in the heat!  I was living in the south end-the old piano factory and had a great apartment shared with my buddy.  I won the coin toss and my bedroom was the loft.  Damn it was hot!  Must have been 87-88 at midnight.   The winds on hot Saturday were perfect-WNW as I recall...enough to pop ACK to 100!  I was supposed to be watering my friend’s plants-he lived on Comm Ave Brighton and had ac so we retreated there.  The next day we walk outside and it’s 40 degrees cooler.  One of the all timer doors!  The same day I’m watching a ball game from Pittsburgh and it’s upper 90s.

I've looked at those weather charts before yeah...

Thing is, when it was ginning up to those hot house potentials ... there was a BD lurking just aching to come down but the height/ridge node bulging in was sort of hold it/biding time...  When the heights began to deflate just a little it almost looks like the BD was exceeding the physics ... I almost wonder if the intense heat/buoyancy helped draw it SW...because the confluence axis was way way N of Maine...like really conceptually too far to have driven a boundary that far SW along the Maine Coast.  

Buut, I guess at 98 and 102 back to back, you sort of don't care how it gets there anymore -heh

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