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September Discussion Thread: Bring the frost; kill the bugs.


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On 9/20/2021 at 7:07 PM, PhineasC said:

Very high cholesterol runs in my family. I have been on statins since I turned 18 and my total cholesterol was already high 200s at that time even though I was as thin as a rail and played various sports. Never had any side effects, that I am aware of at least. Liver numbers always looked good.

My HDL remains too low and my LDL too high. My triglycerides have also spiked at various points, but I made some additional dietary changes and they recently dropped. Without statins, my cholesterol would be off the charts right now and I would be headed for a heart attack at a fairly young age.

I am not a fatty who eats three burgers a day, either. My body just makes too much of the stuff.

So I recommend the drugs to anyone dealing with high cholesterol who already has a decent diet, keeps their weight in check, and exercises. 

I have similar issues, probably not as bad as yours. My total cholesterol is normal, but my HDL and LDL are the problem. Triglycerides have previously been high but now they're looking good. Never taken any meds, and I'm going to see if my lifestyle changes make enough of a difference.

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If folks would do 3 simple things, they’d lower levels and be in range. I’ve done all 3 for the last 10 years :

1) Give up all dairy products cold Turkey and completely for good . I mean everything.. no cheating at all

2) Give up red meat 

3) Physical, strenuous cardio exercise 4-5 days a week .. preferably running or a combination of running , swimming, biking.


Most of the cholesterol and health issues will diminish and vanish. But you’ve got to make it a lifestyle change and be motivated to stick with it for the rest of your life. It’s not something you can do and then cheat and then change . Commit to it and have the personal stubbornness to stay with it for life  .. for yourself and especially for your family 


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10 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

If folks would 3 simple things, they’d lower levels and be in range. I’ve done all 3 for the last 10 years :

1) Give up all dairy products cold Turkey and completely for good . I mean everything.. no cheating at all

2) Give up red meat 

3) Physical, strenuous cardio exercise 4-5 days a week .. preferably running or a combination of running , swimming, biking.

Most of the cholesterol and health issues will diminish and vanish. But you’ve got to make it a lifestyle change and be motivated to stick with it for the rest of your life. It’s not Somers you can do and then cheat and then change . Commit to it and have the personal stubbornness to stat with it for like .. for yourself and especially for your family 


You don’t do dairy?  That would be the toughest for me.  I live on meat protein (mostly chicken, turkey, salmon, tuna, but sometimes red meat), eggs and dairy.  Beer is the carbs.

I’m a big cheese fan, that would be real tough to give up.  I’m not talking about your supermarket cheese but like specialty stuff (like a good brew instead of Bud Light).  A block of good cheese and a knife after a day of skiing…sitting down to look at some winter storm models?  That’s my jam, haha.

Channeling my inner Norwegian heritage of broad shouldered big guys living on dairy, fish and meat.

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9 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

You don’t do dairy?  That would be the toughest for me.  I live on meat protein (mostly chicken, turkey, salmon, tuna, but sometimes red meat), eggs and dairy.  Beer is the carbs.

I’m a big cheese fan, that would be real tough to give up.  I’m not talking about your supermarket cheese but like specialty stuff (like a good brew instead of Bud Light).  A block of good cheese and a knife after a day of skiing…sitting down to look at some winter storm models?  That’s my jam, haha.

I am lactose intolerant and actually more people are than they realize. If you’ve got intestinal issues, very good chance it’s lactose . I have a ton of food allergies. Tomatoes, dairy , bananas some nuts along with many others . So I’ve learned what I can’t eat .  Cows milk is so bad for the human body . Our bodies are not meant to digest it . I haven’t had a piece of pizza, macaroni and cheese, cheese on a sandwich etc etc in probably 8-10 years. I miss it , but I’ve adapted . I used to have uber high cholesterol. My dad had a heart attack at our wedding . Literally on the dance floor. I used that as my motivation. I swore I would never let my health get to how his was.  It’s a mind set . People think I’m crazy for running 7 marathons, getting up at 4:30 to run in the morning. There’s a reason for me personally to do what I do . I am stubborn and I made a personal decision to do this as long as physically possible . What I do won’t work for everyone . But if you want to lower cholesterol.. it works 

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9 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

I am lactose intolerant and actually more people are than they realize. If you’ve got intestinal issues, very good chance it’s lactose . I have a ton of food allergies. Tomatoes, dairy , bananas some nuts along with many others . So I’ve learned what I can’t eat .  Cows milk is so bad for the human body . Our bodies are not meant to digest it . I haven’t had a piece of pizza, macaroni and cheese, cheese on a sandwich etc etc in probably 8-10 years. I miss it , but I’ve adapted . I used to have uber high cholesterol. My dad had a heart attack at our wedding . Literally on the dance floor. I used that as my motivation. I swore I would never let my health get to how his was.  It’s a mind set . People think I’m crazy for running 7 marathons, getting up at 4:30 to run in the morning. There’s a reason for me personally to do what I do . I am stubborn and I made a personal decision to do this as long as physically possible . What I do won’t work for everyone . But if you want to lower cholesterol.. it works 

It's admirable what you do but you can still get good exercise not getting up at 4:30 am and a slice of pizza every now and then won't kill you.

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21 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

I am lactose intolerant and actually more people are than they realize. If you’ve got intestinal issues, very good chance it’s lactose . I have a ton of food allergies. Tomatoes, dairy , bananas some nuts along with many others . So I’ve learned what I can’t eat .  Cows milk is so bad for the human body . Our bodies are not meant to digest it . I haven’t had a piece of pizza, macaroni and cheese, cheese on a sandwich etc etc in probably 8-10 years. I miss it , but I’ve adapted . I used to have uber high cholesterol. My dad had a heart attack at our wedding . Literally on the dance floor. I used that as my motivation. I swore I would never let my health get to how his was.  It’s a mind set . People think I’m crazy for running 7 marathons, getting up at 4:30 to run in the morning. There’s a reason for me personally to do what I do . I am stubborn and I made a personal decision to do this as long as physically possible . What I do won’t work for everyone . But if you want to lower cholesterol.. it works 

Props to you. We’ve talked about this many times before, but I’m similar to you. I can handle lactose, but I get major sinus infections with any amount of dairy. I think raw or fermented dairy is okay for people who can handle it, but many have intolerances to it. I have the weird issue with bananas too. I’ve kicked all processed foods, grains, gluten, refined sugar, and refined oil. The fewer the ingredients the better. 

I don’t worry about red meat, but prefer the taste of grass finished beef. I don’t eat it a lot, but occasionally I get a craving. I try to eat some organ meat as well…humans used to go for the organs in a kill first, but now we’re all muscle meat. I try to get salmon, sardines, and shellfish when I can too. I’ve debated you in excessive long distance running before, but it easily beats a sedentary lifestyle. I’m more of a sprinting fan. 

We’re all different so you need to tailor your lifestyle for what works for you, but that’s a good base to start from. I get sick thinking about the crap I used to put in my body. There’s a reason why so many people are obese and have metabolic issues…and the government guidelines have been stuck in their archaic ways. 

Anyway…nice evening out there. 

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12 minutes ago, DavisStraight said:

It's admirable what you do but you can still get good exercise not getting up at 4:30 am and a slice of pizza every now and then won't kill you.

No my body does not accept lactose . I can’t even have a milkshake IPA without running for the bathroom.  I’ve accepted it . I’m not a medicine guy. Never had the flu shot, you all know where I stand on the vax. I don’t like taking any medication, I have had migraines since 16, and I do have to take a prescription for medication for that when I get them. I hate doing it, but in order to function in a few hours after aura onset, I have to . Maybe some folks need pills and statins to lower cholesterol. That’s you and yours Drs choice and decision. For me, I’ll try every other natural option first even if it means giving up foods I love . Now let’s talk about this never ending summer that models have well into October 

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1 hour ago, Fozz said:

Very similar to mine, except my triglycerides are like 65. But CHOL/HDL ratio is right around 5 for me.

Yeah…. My doctor wasn’t too concerned. My dad had a heart attack and triple bypass at 45… and has since had stents put in… he’s 64 now.

He had pretty bad habits ( smoking, drinking, drug use when younger). So he said it’s very difficult to make an apples to apples comparison from me to him given I don’t hVe any of of those elevating factors.

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I’ve also come to grips that I’m probably going to have to be on some form of acid reflux medication for the long haul.

Im currently taking 20mg of omeprazole once a day. It helps immensely. I had a complete diet overhaul for over a month and there was no improvement in my acid. Anything and everything I ate would give me heartburn and reflux, including plain water.

Sometimes, there is just nothing you can do. The medication outweighs how miserable I’d be without it

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42 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

I am lactose intolerant and actually more people are than they realize. If you’ve got intestinal issues, very good chance it’s lactose . I have a ton of food allergies. Tomatoes, dairy , bananas some nuts along with many others . So I’ve learned what I can’t eat .  Cows milk is so bad for the human body . Our bodies are not meant to digest it . I haven’t had a piece of pizza, macaroni and cheese, cheese on a sandwich etc etc in probably 8-10 years. I miss it , but I’ve adapted . I used to have uber high cholesterol. My dad had a heart attack at our wedding . Literally on the dance floor. I used that as my motivation. I swore I would never let my health get to how his was.  It’s a mind set . People think I’m crazy for running 7 marathons, getting up at 4:30 to run in the morning. There’s a reason for me personally to do what I do . I am stubborn and I made a personal decision to do this as long as physically possible . What I do won’t work for everyone . But if you want to lower cholesterol.. it works 

Mods can move this to the banter thread for sure, but props to you man for being religious about it in respect for your father.  I'm with you, I'm all or nothing.  I need that strict mentality.  Like you running every morning, the warm season I find time every day to hike with the dog.  Sometimes it's obsessive to my wife, ha.  I find it necessary mentally and physically.

Speaking of lactose intolerant, I know that well.  I was in like 3rd or 4th grade and was getting real nauseous, puking and/or having the shits.  Probably the only time in my life I felt a true unknown reason for feeling shitty to be honest.  Teachers and my parents started thinking I was just avoiding school because of the randomness of feeling sick. 

Turned out I was lactose intolerant after some tests.  Cheese pizza day was a bad time, peanut butter and jelly was a good time.  Milk with cereal in the morning led to a bad day, while bagel with peanut butter was fine.  I grew out of it in my teens and early 20s though, slowly adding dairy back later in life, body was fine with it.

The cool thing about it is every body chemistry is different.  Big props though for your dedication to body health.

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9 minutes ago, TauntonBlizzard2013 said:

I’ve also come to grips that I’m probably going to have to be on some form of acid reflux medication for the long haul.

Im currently taking 20mg of omeprazole once a day. It helps immensely. I had a complete diet overhaul for over a month and there was no improvement in my acid. Anything and everything I ate would give me heartburn and reflux, including plain water.

Sometimes, there is just nothing you can do. The medication outweighs how miserable I’d be without it

I had bad reflux at times in the early 2010s when I got into my early 30s. After changing my diet up it’s 100% gone. Certain foods trigger the inflammation for me and it’ll briefly come back if I have them. Acidic foods aren’t really the culprit…it’s whatever foods are causing the inflammation that don’t allow that valve to seal off the stomach acid from coming back up. Your stomach is supposed to be acidic. 

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