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About Sn0waddict

  • Birthday 07/16/1990

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Orange, CT

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  1. Would be nice to see the sun again. I think it’s been Sunday since I last saw it?
  2. Next weekend looks like it could be 10/10 weather wise.
  3. Frequent lightning flashes here. This could be legit?
  4. Yep. One of the main reasons I vacation to block island every year. The water here sucks.
  5. I moved into a new house in February. Lucky for us a month before we moved in the prior owner installed a brand new septic system, but this meant our entire backyard and side yard was just dirt due to the septic tank removal. The septic people came back and reseeded all of it in the spring, and while the backyard is well shaded so we haven’t had much in the way of weeds, the side yard gets sun and well.. let’s just say the crabgrass overtook our nice grass seed we temporarily had lol we won’t ever use pesticides due to our dogs, so I guess we will just have to hope the back yard stays nice. On a better note I will say up until the scorched earth weather pattern we have been in, this was an awesome year for hydrangeas. Crazy amount of flowers.
  6. falls apart before it gets here of course but that’s a pretty wild looking line there.
  7. Looks like we get a 4 day reprieve from the dews and then it’s back to dew hell.
  8. Cool down begins Thursday with no real end in sight.
  9. It gets dark a whopping 7 minutes earlier than June 20th lol
  10. I’m Going under 70, guess we shall see. Regardless still pretty uncomfortable.
  11. Dews should go back down to the 60s starting midday tomorrow thank god. This swamp ass dew fetish some of you all have is wild lol
  12. My guess is they use either the GFS or HRRR. NAM doesn’t agree at all and keeps the dews sticky tomorrow. I’m not gonna act like I know what model is best at dewpoints so I guess we can find out tomorrow lol
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