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About Snowcrazed71

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Interests
    Snowstorms.. garden/ landscaping .. outdoors

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  1. I was up real early this morning around 2:30 and then again around 4:30 and it was sleeting but I woke back again at 6:45 and was snowing. It's been snowing since. At the house we have about a half an inch on the ground. At work now in West Hartford and it's still coming down had a decent clip. Looking at the radar it seems to keep filling in just Southwest of us. So I think everyone north of us will have a good shot of some good snow today. Fun to see. About 33° at home.
  2. Apparently we're supposed to have some wrap around in the morning around 6:00 to 11:00 of some snow. But we'll see how that pans out. Probably more just snow globe look
  3. We're getting rain and sleet here. You can see all the sleet pellets gathering on the deck. It's 36.8 and I'm up at about 500 ft. In Plainville. You can really hear the sleet hitting the skylights. I wasn't expecting this until maybe late late tonight or tomorrow morning
  4. April Fools! ( Unless if can happen with 70 degrees ) Lol
  5. It would have been nice, but how much can we actually expect this time of the year? Especially. On top of that, this whole year sucked moose dong anyway. I wasn't expecting anything out of this.
  6. My bad, you are correct. But either way, it trended in a direction we didn't think would touch us and it did come back so the same thing can happen here. It's just too early to say what the exact track will be today.
  7. You guys really think we're done lol. I already know for Southern New England that getting a snow storm this time of the year is super difficult to impossible. But, to say that the storm track is now set in stone is laughable. How many times has this happened over the winter. It's not like the storm is 2 days away. It's not until Wednesday and Thursday. Maybe it will be nothing but to say it's trended in the wrong direction and this is the final outcome is kind of funny.
  8. If I remember correctly the storm back in February started to shift north and we thought we were out of the game in Southern New England and then a couple days before it came back down and we got 15 in of snow where I'm at. I'm not saying that's going to happen at all but you never know
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