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May 2021 Discussion


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Did that yesterday, too.    Days dawn under these kind of a 'standing cloud patterns.' Seemed maybe orographic enhanced .. but as the sun rose, the edge eroded and then it start moving off...

In any case, sun has resumed.  It's amazing how fast the temp responded within a half hour of the window day glow suddenly lighting up the rooms as the sun took over the skies out there. It was 62 between dawn and 9 with virga plumes and complete OVC.  By .. 9:30 it's 72 and mostly sunny. 


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540's dm thickness over top 80 highs...  Unstable.  10 pts of additional DPs added to SB CAPE ... maybe some CU bubblin' with taller domes, but the actual SB CAPE's probably a low calculation result..  Still, I'm a fan of lapse rates, and there's gotta be cold at 500 mb. Thing is, I don't think we've seen a parcel tap that level in these CU fields over the last couple of days of these diurnals, yet.

But LI's shed a couple ticks ...down to -2 or so at regional scope.   

Either way that's just an unusual combination of metrics there in having 545-type decameter thickness housing surface readings that warm.

75 here already at 10am and this matches ASOS Meso/UT reasonably well - probably we go above above MOS by a tick or two like yesterday .. although, hmmm.. Damn, I didn't check those yesterday.  Shoot.

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32 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

It's so funny how people run to the A/C at the first sight of "warm". 

right - 'how dare we sweat'

it's like these 'ew' princess complex-oriented folk are what people society these days ... lol -

I got news for you, everything alive is a stinking, disgusting biological bag of volatile chemicals radiating funky odors.  

Just the gratuitous chance of evolutionary pathway has wended humanity into a state where they are "unfortunately " endowed with aesthetic awareness of it, while also having the ability and means to pretend they don't smell weird.  

Ha. That's what separates animals from the conceit of humans:   stink ...  sweaty disgusting stink, and our decision either by programming, or biologically ( probably both..) to recognize is as foul.   Dog's willingly jam their noses in open butt -  ... So I guess at least for "some" individuals, they are above dog status. Ha ha.

But people should acclimate to heat as much as they can in all seriousness.  Carbon footprint from running A.C.s in all these Princess's boudoir ..adds up in a western civility where the 90th % interquartile mass density is all narcissists above having to be connected to the natural environment.   First "sniff" of heat and it's super high maintenance dainty needs for comfort without any recognition of virtue to endurance. 

This is actually just another monster head in the vast entitlement hydra that is created by turning over generations after generation in convenience.  It's not even a lost virtue issue anymore - it's simply just either never having been exposed to a reality without, or just removed from that so long.. people don't realize that a.c. sleeping is a luxury.  Interesting...

I do think about this selfishness my self.  But even I have my limits when sleeping no covers and a fan is not a enough.  Fan's ..they have a c-footprint too.  what can you do - 

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1 minute ago, Typhoon Tip said:

right - 'how dare we set'

it's like these 'ew' princess complex peopling society these days ... lol -

I got news for you, everything alive is a stinking, disgusting biological bag of volatile chemicals radiating funky odors.  

Just the gratuitous chance of evolutionary pathway has wended humanity into a state where they are "unfortunately " endowed with aesthetic awareness of it.  

Ha. That's what separates animals from the conceit of humans:   stink ...  sweaty disgusting stink, and our decision either by programming, or biologically ( probably both..) to recognize is as foul.   Dog's willing jam their noses in open butt -  ... so I guess at least for "some" individuals, they are above dog status. 

But people should acclimate to heat as much as they can in all seriousness.  Carbon footprint from running A.C.s in the Princess's boudoir ..adds up in a western civility where the 90th % interquartile mass density is all narcissists above having to be connected to the natural environment.   First "sniff" of heat and it's super high maintenance dainty needs for comfort without any recognition of virtue to endurance. 

This is actually just another monster head in the vast entitlement hydra that is created by turning over generations after generation in convenience.  It's not even a lost virtue issue anymore - it's simply just either never having been exposed to a reality without, or just removed from that so long.. people don't realize that a.c. sleeping is a luxury.  Interesting...

I do think about this selfishness my self.  But even I have my limits when sleeping no covers and a fan is not a enough.  Fan's ..they have a c-footprint too.  what can you do - 

Very well put. 

It was a few years back when Steve made a comment about people and the use of A/C's...it sparked a weenie in my brain. It's a no wonder people can't tolerate "heat". I mean I get when it gets above 90 and certainly 100...that's intense, especially when you have humidity. I guess even if you have some humidity when it's in the 80's...ok whatever. But people coup themselves up inside with A/C's blaring, probably don't have humidifiers so the air is bone dry so what happens when you go outside and it's 85/65...OG COURSE IT'S GOING TO FEEL "HOT". 

That has to be so bad for your immune system too...going from those two different type of environments so quickly. I mean think about it...you're driving and have the A/C blaring and your destination is the store, house, restaurant, etc...you get out of the car and are exposed to the sexy summer weather, then you go back inside to a climate controlled environment...all in the span of probably minutes...that's gotta be a shock on the immune system or the body. Our bodies are probably like, "Can you please pick something, we're trying to adjust here".

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2 hours ago, Damage In Tolland said:

There’s not one poster here who uses installed AC that will not install over the next several days. Regardless of what they post 

I turned my central on yesterday afternoon for a few hours. It was 80 upstairs. Don’t really want the pollen in the house either. 

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12 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

Very well put. 

It was a few years back when Steve made a comment about people and the use of A/C's...it sparked a weenie in my brain. It's a no wonder people can't tolerate "heat". I mean I get when it gets above 90 and certainly 100...that's intense, especially when you have humidity. I guess even if you have some humidity when it's in the 80's...ok whatever. But people coup themselves up inside with A/C's blaring, probably don't have humidifiers so the air is bone dry so what happens when you go outside and it's 85/65...OG COURSE IT'S GOING TO FEEL "HOT". 

That has to be so bad for your immune system too...going from those two different type of environments so quickly. I mean think about it...you're driving and have the A/C blaring and your destination is the store, house, restaurant, etc...you get out of the car and are exposed to the sexy summer weather, then you go back inside to a climate controlled environment...all in the span of probably minutes...that's gotta be a shock on the immune system or the body. Our bodies are probably like, "Can you please pick something, we're trying to adjust here".

That's a good point too... I mean, who knows if it is - right?  Still ... discoveries of 'unintended consequences' seem to happen more and more

Can you imagine if future historian or some sort of forensic scientist discovered that A.C. addled immune systems in fringe edifices of SE Asia is what ultimately cultivated the Pandemic - LOL...

Kidding obviously but we are always discovering how every day modes of convenience provided by modern industry ... no one knew or could have predicted, but ultimately interacts with the environment in "fractal" effects. 


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1 hour ago, WhitinsvilleWX said:

I turned my central on yesterday afternoon for a few hours. It was 80 upstairs. Don’t really want the pollen in the house either. 

I almost flipped the switch.  Definitely later today.  Took me til Friday to turn the boiler off

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