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  2. There's a certain hot dog vendor who needs to be sterilized permanently so his inferior low quality genes don't get passed down to the next generation. Could you imagine that thing ever being a parent? I wouldn't wish that on ANY child.
  3. At least we're staying wet but yeah been zzzz
  4. But isn't an increase what we would expect right now towards the latter part of spring? Granted it's much warmer than normal, but they should be going up.
  5. why would global SST be peaking now instead of during the summer, Chris?
  6. Human population growth needs to be contained, end of story. and especially the hot dog vendors out there, they need to be permanently sterilized.
  7. I like this... this is a typical el nino to la nina transition and can be compared to 1995 and 2010.
  8. Really? Yesterday was really good here, it was sunny all morning, the clouds only came in during the afternoon and no rain drops before 10 PM.
  9. Today
  10. It looks like Larry Cosgrove is going hot and dry for the summer with an active hurricane season especially from August 15th thru October 31st. We’ll see.
  11. Curious to see how fast we warm up today; yesterday was raw. Never made it above 54 degrees and with occasional drizzle while mowing the yard. Though, it was a good day for the fire pit to start burning all of the downed sticks/limbs in the yard from the winter.
  12. Tornado watch wording says "a couple intense tornadoes" possible here in SW MO or SE KS. It's bleeping 12:30 in the morning! Anyone have an analog for this event?
  13. Another PDS warning for what seems to be a considerable tornado tracking between Dickson and Mill Creek. Luckily it's just a bit west of the first one.
  14. Looks like they just took their second hit based on CC. Just an unbelievably bad situation tonight in so many ways.
  15. Obsessed. Wrong with cold second half and freeze days. Okie dokie
  16. We've been to Jacob Lake, heck it's chilly even in August. Camping there in summer is like fall camping most other places. Very cool about the condors, never seen one.
  17. A lot of flash flood warnings up too. Rates approaching 3”/hr in spots.
  18. Okemah got spared. Dickson on the other hand is in very dire straits right now.
  19. That's hard to believe when looking at subsequent scans, perhaps it missed them and recycled. TDS did get a bit muddled as it passed north.
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