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EastCoast NPZ

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About EastCoast NPZ

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Cross Junction, VA

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  1. I'm in stephens city. Not terribly far away. Interesting.
  2. NAM 3K has 6" over me. And my NWS forecast is for less than a tenth. Apparently, we see what they think of the NAM.
  3. For Christsake, NWS forecast is now less than a tenth possible through Wednesday evening here.
  4. Don't worry, they have a gimme next week.
  5. Adding up the totals in my yard for August. Unprecedented. 8/1: .20 8/2: .03 8/3: .58 8/6: .02 8/7: 5.6 8/18: .88 8/29: 1.6 8/31: 1.6 Total: 10.51"
  6. Happy Autumn! Cooler and overcast this morning. The ground is a wet sponge. Summer, and this drought (in the northern Valley, at least), is over.
  7. 1.6", same as Thursday evening. What a great way to end summer. Ready for cornstalks, pumpkins, and colorful leaves.
  8. So weird. We couldn't buy a drop of rain all summer (and last summer too). It all changed with Debbie. Hopefully, some gulf lows are on tap for Fall to get the entire region a soaking.
  9. Getting nailed again. What a month! I'm over 9", easily. Hope this holds together for everyone.
  10. It is eerily similar to last summer, just switched September with August.
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