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About Voyager

  • Birthday 02/08/1968

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Tamaqua, PA

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  1. I saw the lightning from that storm all the way over here. Checked radar, and it looked like it was headed my way, so I put the wife's hanging plants out in the yard for a natural drink. Well, it fell apart, and we only got 0.01" out of it...lol
  2. Per CTP, we may see some of the Alberta fire smoke this weekend. https://www.weather.gov/ctp/weatherstory
  3. WNEP's weather guy last night had hot in the forecast graphic for a high of 85 degrees.
  4. Hey man, I was giving you the AMWX special discount. Cheepskate...
  5. I don't know about the Tamaqua Split, but the heavy rain I did encounter yesterday was mostly while I was in the truck enroute to my deliveries and pick ups which was nice. And no, I've not been to Bubbler's abode yet...lol
  6. I jinxed myself with all that staying dry talk. Only 0.08" in my backyard...lol
  7. Just looked at radar, and it appears I'm living on borrowed time. I've had a few showers while driving, but so far I've stayed rain-free at my load and unload locations. That stroke of luck looks like it's soon coming to an end.
  8. We need rain, but I'm getting tired of it waiting until I start my 2pm work shift to start. Then it ends by midnight, ironically right when I park the truck at the end of my shift.
  9. I was shocked when I saw it. The only rain in the entire state, and it just popped up out of nowhere.
  10. Where did this come from? I didn't think any rain/storms were forecasted for tonight.
  11. Alright, who wants their lawn watered? I'm loading one up right now...
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