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About Itstrainingtime

  • Birthday 09/07/1965

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Maytown PA
  • Interests
    Weather, Baltimore Orioles, Steam Trains, and a passion for helping people be the best they can be in life.

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  1. Oh man...the possibilities! TCC calmly and repetitively stating that a new daily max was broken in Dubois PA while DT foams out a "no fuking person lives in fuking Dubois u idiot" in response...
  2. As of right now, I do not have one single day in my forecast from CTP with a high at 90+. Every day going forward is projected to be in the 80s. And I live in the hot box.
  3. Yesterday you suggested that the experts were the ones to listen to - CTP disagrees with you. 89 for Bubbler on Sunday and down to 86 on Monday. So...do we now ignore the experts?
  4. I was speaking mostly in jest but I am in intrigued by the possibility...
  5. Uh...CTP had me down for an 80% chance of rain tomorrow. It's now 30%.
  6. Holy crap - coworker texted me that he got 3.32" outside of Conestoga.
  7. This is the best news of the day. I can't wait! I've decided that I'm creating a spreadsheet that I will share in my next installment of "A Day In The Life of Central PA". It's going to have 3 columns- the average amount of snow across the global models, how much snow I actually receive...and wait for it...how much snow falls at MDT. I'll go out on a limb and set the over/under at 8%. Actual snow will be 8% of your snow maps. Betting opens on 10/1.
  8. Yes indeed. I'm anxiously awaiting "that run" coming in December when a CMC run elicits a string of snow maps from our trusty snowmapaholic.
  9. What a day to be working remote in Columbia instead of Conestoga. You're right - MU has been getting the FU for quite a while.
  10. 1) This is a weather board. He's posting weather models. As much as I'm skeptical, I would never discourage someone from posting a...you know, weather model on a...you know, weather board. 2) There have been multiple times this summer when the models have beaten forecasters. All of them.
  11. Well, it's been a long time since I've scored or bagged anything...so netted fits me better. LOL
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