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About canderson

  • Birthday 08/06/1981

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  • Location:
    Harrisburg, Pa.

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  1. Ugh. Tree fell on a coworker’s house over that way too. It was very windy - they should have had us in a wind advisory.
  2. 67 was my high (at 12:40 am). Three different wind gusts to 51 mph. It’s currently 52 and still breezy - but in the mid 20s only.
  3. 54 mph has been my highest gust - 3 mins ago. MDT’s seem to be 52 mph at last check.
  4. Ugh - I wonder how much above normal. 70s in late October is brutal
  5. A tree fell on my friend's car in Lingelstown - a foot or two away from crushing her as she was checking on the noise.
  6. This must be a downsloping thing but the wind is insane right now Edit: repeated gusts to 50, it is sustained around 38 mph
  7. Just had a 50 mph gust - it’s been blowing in the 40s for a while now
  8. Sure, but let's not acknowledge the guy that led to the annihilation of native tribes.
  9. Indigenous Peoples' Day, my friend. One that should get more publicity than it does.
  10. Going to be some snow in the NW regions mid week I bet.
  11. Half my FB feed I fear is going to storm Cowboys’ headquarters tomorrow.
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