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About IrishRob17

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Campbell Hall, NY (2 miles SW of KMGJ)

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  1. True, and its nothing like it was at its peak last year when it was low to the ground. Most people probably wont even notice, they didn't last year either until it got to ground level. But I know its there, I know its there dammit! Anyway, a delightful low of 57/55 earlier this morning.
  2. Perfect timing for the smoke to show up today and mess up the blue skies
  3. I'm still waiting on one (.08 last Saturday), this weekend looks to end the streak for me finally.
  4. 57 for the low, up to 59/57. A well deserved, albeit short, break from the humidity.
  5. 1.39" yesterday and little to no wind thankfully. Still need to clean up a large branch that fell into another tree during Tuesday nights .08" but with much more wind when it came through.
  6. Right through Long Pond, hopefully that’s it there for today.
  7. .04 isn't very wet for here but to each their own.
  8. I don't have to imagine it, I've lived it...
  9. Had a 9.60 rate at one point with that
  10. Another gully washer here this morning with a peak rain rate of 9.60", .93" through the tipper.
  11. I have a friend that lives there too, agreed.
  12. .40 here, .47 if I include last night. Dews beginning to drop now here.
  13. It was rather clear on radar that is was coming there. .35” up here, the worst went to my north and south thankfully
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