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About John1122

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Campbell Co, Tennessee 1750'

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  1. Mid state and western Valley looks to get soaked from this system. The east can hopefully squeeze some out too.
  2. Made it down to 43 this morning. Long range models were showing September as cool/bn, but 6-10/8-14 look to be AN at this point. Very dry too, unfortunately.
  3. I guess the original forecast was right, it only made it to 75 here today. Oddly, it was apparently 88 in Knoxville.
  4. Very heavy rain/storms moving through once again. Looks like the week will start cooler than last week but not quite as cool as it was advertised earlier. Highs had been forecast to be in the mid-70s next week but now it's lower 80s.
  5. Had some very heavy rain today. Still raining now. Hopefully the mid-state gets in on the act tomorrow. Sometimes we can get a drought killing tropical system but with the rare Atlantic La Nina that's developed, tropical activity from Cape Verde may be less than normal this year.
  6. Got some rain again today. Looks like more of us will get in on it tomorrow and Sunday.
  7. The thunder is starting up again. Looks like a heavy storm north of me. Hopefully they keep growing.
  8. December was -5 but would be heavy rain, then snow showers to follow with several trace to 1/2 inch events. January was a torch at +7.5 and February was -4 to -6 but the cold lined up better than December and we had several snow events. There was a 1-3 inch event the first week of Feb, a big one just before Valentines day for a lot of us, but Knoxville to Chattanooga didn't do so well and for some reason SWVa and NE areas along the Va border didn't do as well. Pennington Gap says 2 inches, Abington 3, Tri only recorded around 2 inches at the airport, with Greenville getting similar amounts. However Erwin and Elizabethton got 4-5 inches. Above 2500 feet in the far east were using a yard stick, Mountain City got around 14-16 inches, LeConte got 34 inches, 9 in Gatlinburg at the ski area. The Plateau areas got 6-9 inches from here to Jamestown and down to Crossville. Morgan County around Lancing got 4.5 inches, Norris around 4 inches, Morristown around 2 inches, less than two around Knox and Oak Ridge, a trace around Nooga. It warmed dramatically a few days later and rained, then around a week later another 1-3 inches fell across most of the East.
  9. Winter 2004-2005 wasn't great here. December had a very cold shot with a couple inches of snow and lows near 0. Jan and Feb alternated between mild and wet then dry and cold. Jan had a couple of dry cold shots that had trace to 1/2 inch snow shower type days. There were a couple of snow events in February but they weren't huge, around 2 inches each. It actually turned cold in March and the month was frigid vs normal, with a couple of snow events. Overall Dec and March were BN, Jan and Feb AN with BN snow. Nov 2004 was very mild. Around +5.5.
  10. 50 here this morning. Looks like at least one more heatwave to close out August.
  11. Dropped to 48 degrees this morning after a high of 72 yesterday. That's pretty hard to beat for August.
  12. After Daniel Boone mentioned August 1976, I went back and looked over the whole month. We had 11 mornings in the 40s that month, including several days in the mid-40s in early August. That is insanely cold for August.
  13. It's poured the last few days here. Just had a big storm roll through, the second in the last hour or two.
  14. Just looked. We had 47, 47, 45, and 46 August 18th-21st. Another cold front hit to close the month and we were 42 on the 31st.
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