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About psv88

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Commack, NY (Suffolk County)

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  1. In Newport, RI this weekend. Was here as a kid but I forgot what a great town this is. Severely underrated. perfect weather and vibes
  2. 0.63 total, becoming a wet month, approaching 4 inches of rain
  3. 1/3” already. Of course when I’m going to block island and Newport for the week it’s going to rain
  4. 89 today, fucking perfect day on the water
  5. Incredible day. Great night to be on the boat
  6. My sprinkler was on this morning, maybe a little bit lingering then?
  7. 65/63, still rather dewy out here
  8. 82/67 now, still muggy.
  9. 0.80” should do it. Up to 3” for the month, so it hasn’t been as dry as past summers
  10. 0.6” so far, decent drink, more on the way
  11. Current rain rate is 8” an hour lol. Monsoon now, some thunder but not much
  12. Severe warned here for gusts to 60. Non stop flashing in the distance
  13. The sound getting crushed again. Haven’t had a good thunderstorm all year
  14. 0.04, thundershower
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