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  2. Yep Just finished up. The weather is absolutely perfect.
  3. If low temps are at 80 it can def happen
  4. Curious if there’s any energy grid concerns. .
  5. I am not picking on you, I love to make fun of the typos since I have so many. I will salute you throwing back my second at Troegs tomorrow.,
  6. Hahhahahahah oh man. I’m so tired - today was full of errands and house work
  7. I could see the park hitting 97-99 due to the dry conditions recently. EWR and LGA will probably hit 100
  8. My inpatients are officially dead. And my grass is essentially dead too. No growth in a week.
  9. Yeah, and this is just going to be a prelude to more down the road this summer.
  10. Probably last week of nights in the 50s as well (for a while).
  11. I’ll be impressed if Worcester can pull off triple digits. I’m guessing it will be more like 96-97 type deal.
  12. If the dry models/ridge centered closer to LSV are right, I just completed my final mow until probably mid-July and it was only a 2/3 mow. Quite nice out. 76 and breezy. Windows open LSV tonight. 18Z GFS, highest 18Z Temp at MDT through Friday is 88. Not posting these to say it is right vs. keeping the giant differences in front as it will be interesting to watch this play out. Showers around LSV Tue and North PA most days next week.
  13. Two days of COC before the crotch rot and swamp ass sets in. Enjoy either way!
  14. Made the mistake of saying “I’ve never shanked one in my life.” About a month ago. I’ve now shanked one in each of my last 2 rounds.
  15. Today
  16. It really couldn't be nicer in the Catskills.
  17. I feel this, I turn 32 in 2 days. Loved the area while I was growing up in Annandale/Falls Church and it's been tough watching it change so much the last ~10 years. Even still, after being away from it for almost 4 years now I miss it. It's hard to appreciate how much the area has going for it before you've moved somewhere else. Charlottesville has it's small town charm, great access to the outdoors, etc but there is a lot left to be desired. I might be back in NoVA next year...
  18. As a corollary to the heatwave, the models have really honed in on a potentially significant flooding event across MN and N WI over the next 7 to 10 days. The WPC has a rare for the region Day 3 MDT for Flash Flooding on Monday, with quite a hefty discussion. They mention the possibility of a flash flooding event not seen in the region in at least the last 10 years within the MDT. Some runs have had as much as 10 inches of rain over the next 10 days in some areas. To make matters even worse, some areas of MN have received as much as 8 to 10 inches in the last month, with several streams at or near flood stage already. Talk about a far cry from the last three summers of flash drought in the region.
  19. yeah I'll take the under on that one boss
  20. Yeah today is a bit too chilly. Even BTV staying under 70F, mountain valleys in low-60s. Dews just down to 39F now. Going to be a chilly night.
  21. I don’t think there’s anything that connects this potential system with 90L other than being on the same trough. It’s an interesting signal though, and one that’s trying to coalesce at relatively short range. I highlighted the potential back on the 10th. Would be interesting to see a stifling heat wave north and TC genesis south because of the same ridge.
  22. Can’t have COC with temps under 75.
  23. It’s impressive how quick things can change. High of 64F today despite sunshine. It’ll be 30 degrees hotter in a few days.
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