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About wncsnow

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Marion, NC

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  1. Ended up with .78 since midnight. I'm up to 3.65 for the month.
  2. .63 since midnight and I'm finally getting closer to average for the month.
  3. Meanwhile I'm still below average this month and have less than 5 inches the past 2 months
  4. Big storms to the NE and SW. Not a drop here yet.
  5. .28 more today so far. Im up to 2.54 for the month.
  6. Got more light showers yesterday evening and last night/early this morning adding up to .27.
  7. Just a trace today so far. I don't think we will finish the month above average. I'm still under 2 inches of rain for the month. It's amazing how consistent areas are getting rain and how areas are consistently not getting the heavy amounts.
  8. .31 last night. Almost to 2 inches for the month..
  9. Not a drop here so far today. Definitely had some good rains over the Blue Ridge though.
  10. I got .58 yesterday and now at 1.64 on the month.
  11. Finally getting some steady soaking rain this evening after a brief downpour earlier. Up to .45 on the day.
  12. Cloud cover should keep storm chances lower today. I'm still waiting on a drenching downpour, only .73 the past week from lots of quick showers. How are the rest of you all doing?
  13. Since I moved back to Marion and worked in West Asheville, my home in Marion has recieved more rain almost every month. This month, my job location in W AVL has over 4 inches of rain while my house has 1.2. We still have brown grass here.
  14. We had a quick shower for about .10 while there is a flood advisory 10 miles north of me.
  15. Some reason the downslope areas of the foothills have been getting screwed. We need more of a southeasterly component to the flow. I keep getting missed over and over.
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