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About SnowenOutThere

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  1. As a student I've noticed that often times AI writing isn't even that great, its more or less boilerplate slop (is good for summarizations and titles though). There is one kid in my Ap Lang class who uses AI on every assignment and gets straight Bs, overall I just don't see its use besides for the laziest students who can't be bothered to think up anything better.
  2. Appears to be the most prominent directly west and north of the radar station. Will see if that can help get some more convection for them right as they move into the more populated areas.
  3. Severe warned T-Storm crossing into Virginia north of Winchester, wonder if it could act as a forcing mechanism and lay down some boundaries for those further north.
  4. Watch out he’ll gladly tell you about the latest rainfall forecasts
  5. If you have any old AFDs from our blizzards saved please do share them as unfortunately I am too young to have been able to read of them live...
  6. Real contender for funniest post of the year right here
  7. I’m pretty sure we’re the youngest two here and I’m just jealous you at least remember 09-10, personally I have no real memories besides some weak ones of what I assume is 13-14/14-15. Then I was sick and in 3rd grade for 2016 so I have no great memories of it too. I just wanted to have one good hecs or mecs (at this point I’d take a secs) before I go off to college and I couldn’t even get that… that said my winter expectations have been shaped from 2017-2024 and for me what makes a good winter is we cover/coat the grass once (which is rlly sad if you think about it) but that’s all I’ve come to expect at this point.
  8. I love how our “science based” board is actively hostile to the science they don’t like cause of whatever reasons. Telling psu to shut up won’t change the outcome it just pushes away one of our best posters
  9. I've always been on the fence of taking you seriously as I couldn't tell if it was a stormchaserchuck situation where his ideas are correct but the delivery is ... questionable. However I can now fully thank you for confirming I should never do so. If you earnestly don't believe in the settled science of climate change then why would you believe/understand any part of our atmosphere?
  10. I’m not sure if blaming the fact our climate has completely gotten fucked up is that much of a cop out? I mean I’m not able to tell you why but I think it’s a reasonable start to investigate what went wrong
  11. I mean I can think of one reason the atmosphere may be behaving differently than past times…
  12. So excited for another nino boost to our climate, let’s see how high we can get this planet!
  13. As someone in western fairfax who stayed up all night I can confirm we got roughly .6-.8 of snow
  14. I think I got near the low end of the stick with less than an inch of snow and no roads caving…
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