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  1. Past hour
  2. Golf outing season has started. Can't find a tee time till late in the afternoon.
  3. Nothing here. Feels good To add, really need some rain down here in IKK. Been quite awhile now since we have gotten any meaningful precip
  4. Yuck, showers from Thursday to Tuesday. Hopefully that doesn't come about.
  5. 68 already at BDL. First 90 of the season today?
  6. https://x.com/WeatherProf/status/1797385397422432279 The black line on top is the 2024 sea sfc temp in mid FL Keys reef. The solid horizontal purple line is the bleaching threshold. We’ve already reached it, ~1 month ahead of 2023 - the worst mass bleaching event ever. To bleach, it would need to be sustained, but not a good sign
  7. Tippy speaks of different language you know that.
  8. Today
  9. SPC seems fairly bullish on yet another round of strong/severe t'storms for DFW during peak heating today. It's definitely plausible with the outflow boundary from today's activity in the vicinity, negligble capping and possibly another MCV from the storms in KS passing by, although the CAMs are still completely clueless with handling this potential right now. If they do in fact develop, today could arguably feature more intense storms with a more pristine EML.
  10. Another excellent evening. 55F now at MVL and local PWS, this is last hour’s obs.
  11. My numbers for the month of May 2024- Averaged high was 75.7 degrees vs a normal of 73.6 degrees, a +2.1 degrees above average. The warmest temp recorded was 86.4 degrees on the 3rd. Averaged low was 53.0 degrees vs a normal of 48.6 degrees, a +4.4 degrees above average. The lowest temp recorded was 37.9 degrees on the 14th. Overall averaged temp was 64.3 degrees vs a normal of 61.1 degrees, a +3.2 degrees above average. Total precip for the month was 3.82 inches vs a normal of 4.30 inches, a -0.48 inch below average. The wettest day was the 18th with 1.30 inches falling. There were 20 days with measurable, 4 days with a 'T' and 7 dry days. Highest wind recorded for the month was 55 mph on the 27th. There were 13 days with winds above 25 mph. One new record, the 1.30 inches of rain on the 18th set a new daily mark. Overall a warm, semi-wet (seemed to rain or sprinkle about every day!) and fairly breezy month.
  12. .48 today and only a high of 68.
  13. Highs: EWR: 86 PHL: 86 TEB: 84 LGA: 83 ACY: 83 New Brnswck: 82 BLM: 82 ISP: 82 TTN: 81 NYC: 81 JFK: 79
  14. Feel free to jump in and help. I can also put weatherstar here if there is any interest. Intellistar Repository.... https://github.com/K-A-0-S/K-A-0-S.github.io
  15. and they were right. tropical systems are great vectors for vagrant tropical birds
  16. Hadn't seen a single one in Wisconsin...then went to the Brookfield Zoo with my cousin, his wife & 2 kids today.
  17. Code to determine https radar link based off of geolocation... //WeatherFetching.js function fetchRadarImages(){ radarImage = document.createElement("iframe"); radarImage.onerror = function () { getElement('radar-container').style.display = 'none'; } mapSettings = btoa(JSON.stringify({ "agenda": { "id": "weather", "center": [longitude, latitude], "location": null, "zoom": 8 }, "animating": true, "base": "standard", "artcc": false, "county": false, "cwa": false, "rfc": false, "state": false, "menu": false, "shortFusedOnly": false, "opacity": { "alerts": 0.0, "local": 0.0, "localStations": 0.0, "national": 0.6 } })); radarImage.setAttribute("src", "https://radar.weather.gov/?settings=v1_" + mapSettings); radarImage.style.width = "1230px" radarImage.style.height = "740px" radarImage.style.marginTop = "-220px" radarImage.style.overflow = "hidden"
  18. Had to have been quite a while ago too. Who the hell uses the term 1 wood anymore?
  19. love art omi! it's only about 40 mins from my parents house in albany, i usually go once or twice a summer
  20. Is blocking really tied to solar cycles? That sounds insane to me. How much data is there to prove that true?
  21. That 18z H5 loop is wild. Multiple strong upper level lows passing through, one snagging a tropical storm. This is a very snowy 2 weeks in the winter for someone, ha.
  22. You wouldn't hate this in the Wintertime 1aa (6) — Freeimage.host I have a feeling it's a passing trend though, that will amplify the -PNA in the Wintertime. A lot of times -NAO Summer do beget -NAO Winter's, though
  23. Reed was all over it. Big stovepipe but he blew his car up and the chase is over but the cell is still going strong.
  24. Comment I made regarding the Phillies bullpen at the start of the MLB season. I think it's safe at this point to say that I was wrong. Very wrong. And not afraid to own it.
  25. What an incredible stretch of early summer weather. Really good for anything you want to do outside. Hot enough to swim, dry enough to hike or bike without a sweat, warm patio temps till sunset, and cool nights with the windows open. We welcome the rain later this week but then let's re rack this all summer please.
  26. First weenie eye candy of the season from the GFS. That didn’t take long.
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