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About shaggy

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  1. We saw crazy pressure falls after the EWRC this morning. Winds responded and the last plane sampled a couple of hours ago and had 150mph cane. It's satellite presentation is impressive and has only gotten much better. The eye is nearly perfect and cleared out. We will likely never know but this is a good candidate to be upped to a cat 5 post-season (unless it's a cat 5 when next recon goes in).
  2. 6mb drop between passes and it was at 150mph......question is did that represent the winds had already caught up to pressure falls or do we see this make a run a cat 5?
  3. Reed was all over it. Big stovepipe but he blew his car up and the chase is over but the cell is still going strong.
  4. Some crazy video of Dawson Springs area tornado
  5. There have been several very high end tornados this year
  6. The pressure gradient must have been insane for such a narrow tornado to have winds 200mph just 140 feet off the ground
  7. https://x.com/ReedTimmerUSA/status/1793091049566675245?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet
  8. DOW recorded winds over 200mph with the greenfield tornado
  9. I think he took it down but was watching when he transported that wounded family to the hospital. That was tough to listen to. I bet his adrenaline was through the roof.
  10. Might be one of the biggest pressure drops in history. Anyone have the stats on that?
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