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About mreaves

  • Birthday 03/31/1968

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Barre, Vermont

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  1. No rain here. I spent the day at our employee appreciation event at Lake Morey. It was beautiful.
  2. Went for a bike ride on the Island Line rec path last night. This trail is on an old railroad causeway in Lake Champlain. Really cool to be riding in the middle of the lake. The headwinds on the way back were brutal.
  3. KMPV has had 10.56 since June 1st, St. Johnsbury 14.30 and MVL 12.77. Conversely, Springfield, VT is at .62 for the month and 3.17 since June 1st.
  4. 8.91 MTD on my station, though I have questions about it's accuracy at times. 6.53 at KMPV a few miles away.
  5. I think you’re wrong. Obviously people were so upset by the lack of fees that they just stayed in bed with their heads under the blankets so upset they didn’t even log on.
  6. In Montreal for an MLS game. This doesn’t look good.
  7. Nice. I love London. Of course I’ve only been a few times for a day or two each. I imagine it could get to be a bit much after a while.
  8. Meaning you can’t cook lobster in it anymore?
  9. Or in our case “Won’t even need my AC”
  10. .56 here today. A virtual desert after the 1.62 yesterday. Up to 8.72 on the month.
  11. I have entered my picks in the thread.
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