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NNE Cold Season Thread 2022/2023


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3 minutes ago, wxeyeNH said:

I'm just catching up on this thread.  Have you seen what was going on in Europe the past few days?  Unbelievable warmth.  Not just a warm spell but epic for them.  The heat this summer and now this.  Of course weather and climate are different and I have not looked at how warm 2022 is going to come in but just seems like global warming is happening faster than ever..

Have you see out west, historic snow with no let up in sight…. Alta will be at 500 inches before end of Jan.  

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36 minutes ago, wxeyeNH said:

I'm just catching up on this thread.  Have you seen what was going on in Europe the past few days?  Unbelievable warmth.  Not just a warm spell but epic for them.  The heat this summer and now this.  Of course weather and climate are different and I have not looked at how warm 2022 is going to come in but just seems like global warming is happening faster than ever..

Just read an article about how snowless most of the Alps are, I guess really high elevations and for some reason the Italian Dolomites are doing ok but they're having a bad winter too.

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13 hours ago, DavisStraight said:

Just read an article about how snowless most of the Alps are, I guess really high elevations and for some reason the Italian Dolomites are doing ok but they're having a bad winter too.

I was in the Austrian alps over Christmas. Generally speaking, a decent snowpack (100-120cm) above about 17-1800M, but way below average underneath that. 

For example, at the skiing at the top of St. Anton and Zurs (2000-2600m) was pretty good, but the runs back to the villages were manmade snow. In downtown St. Anton, which sits at ~1250m, there was no snow at all. 

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This is an "interactive" webinar with Robert Haynes and the new Lead Met at BTV Rodney Chai.  There is a repeat of this but it is  live Session #2 will be held Tuesday, January 10th from 7 PM to 8 PM EST.  I attended today. It was interesting but not mind blowing.  But in the question field they allow you to make comments and not just ask questions you can make comments.   Im pretty sure it's Rodney that made the new graphics that were awesome for the effects of the wind storm and another storm with elevation that were so positively recieved. He came from BOS and is now lead at BTV and is really young!!  New guy knows his shit.  Hes young to be Lead Met.  Anyone interested in BTV future should attend and use the question thing to ask questions not related to this storm because he will be happy to answer them.  He truly loves the weather and will answer anything .  



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What a beautiful night, last night.  Full, supermoon and a snow laced landscape making it exceedingly bright.  I was thinking how rare a night like this was.  Maybe 2 supermoons in the winter months and then we need a very wet snowfall to have just taken place, no wind and clearing  skies to make for a night like last night.  I was not planning of taking any pictures but woke up around 2am and it was so bright I thought dawn had broke.  I grabbed my cellphone and took a little walk.  Total silence and eerily bright.  Kudos to Samsung for making a smartphone's cameras so good that you can put it on night mode and grab pictures like this. 


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On 1/4/2023 at 9:44 PM, #NoPoles said:

If you can't beat em, join em! Pina Coladas for everyone!

We can certainly do that down here. I can provide the sunscreen. Even for us this is ridiculous. I was going to come up later this winter but I may re-think that.

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Cross posting this here because those s new englanders dont care they are so angry about this winter


Someone simply said March 13 and I was instantly reminded.   Until 2/14/2007 this was the most amazing storm.  And they do compare, 3/13 happened soooo fast.  WE only got 12 hours of snow but it was a fast 2 feet in Stowe.  Valentines day delivered 38 and there were greater snowfall rates but it was over 2 days,  the superstorm was 2 inches an hour for 12 hours.


Pretty sure 3/13/93 hit me like a ton of bricks. Most amazing things about that storm.  A. Noaa weather radio said 3 to 4 ft for N VT.  Never heard anything like it.   B.  It delivered in 3 in/hr.  I lived on "maple st"  Aka north main st in stowe.  I took my subaru to the union bank and someone was pulled over out front of the ackley memorial building getting tested for a dui in blizzard conditions.  Totally unfair and he should have won his court case.  I parked in union bank and hear the loudest thunder, nearly shit my pants.  I think it was my second thundersnow after blizzard of 83 in Philly.  Went to the mt road market a store i miss to this day, and got a case of stovepipe porter, which I just saw last week for the first time since then.  Most of my friends then worked in restaurants and  lived outside of stowe so they all came to my place and we had a blizzard party.  WE skied down maple st aka rt 100 in 1 ft of unplowed snow because they just coulndt keep up.  We got 2 ft in 12 hours and it was gone.  My boss at the depot st malt shoppe called me and said we are opening because no one else is and I was still drunk and had to walk to work after digging out my car so the plow could clear the driveway.  Because we were one of the only places open we had the busiest day ever and I was so hungover/drunk I wanted to kill myself.  Fuck you Kneale family that owns harrisons now!!  :)  Weather sucks so I thought I'd interject a story of snow

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I just got back from North Conway- 25 degrees and heavy snow. I almost got stuck in Crawford Notch. That last mile is pretty steep uphill and then you pop out at the AMC Center and it's a flat plateau before it starts heading down hill all the way to the CT River valley. But that last mile is a doozy, and I have bald tires. I literally had my hazards on and popped my corolla into low gear and turned off traction control. Inched along at like 3mph watching my rpms to make sure I didn't blow my transmission because while I may have only been moving at 3mph, my tires were probably spinning at 50mph. Just barely made it. Was at a dead stop in the slow lane for about 5 mins before I was able to get some forward movement.

Whole different world in Bretton Woods. The snow has changed over for the most part- barely any accumulation- and my car said 29 degrees but I think Whitefield is already at like 34 degrees. Attitash and Cranmore might just do ok. When I drove past Cranmore it was Moderate snow, and passing Attitash and then a little further past I drove in heavy snow and could barely see in front of me.

I am so glad I made it home! I have an appointment to get snow tires put on this coming Saturday

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