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About bch2014

  • Birthday 04/05/1996

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  1. Where in Jersey is she? Things are still pretty frozen here in terms of blooming flowers... But the lawns never went ultra brown, to be honest.
  2. https://www.weather.gov/wrh/climate?wfo=box Change the code at the end to BTV, OKX, etc depending on the geography you're looking for..
  3. ^Picked the wrong year to go. Was there last year.
  4. Army is so inconsistent. One week they’re kicking Top 25 Air Force’s a$$, the next, they’re struggling against the ‘Saders.
  5. If snowmaking is going to be banned, there needs to be lots of other carbon-intensive, recreational activities banned too. People have already mentioned golf, but recreational boating, transatlantic/pacific leisure trips, etc are a few low hanging fruit!
  6. It’s interesting that NNE is going to be so far above normal. NYC is about to record its 3rd below normal month in the last four.
  7. Long drive from Mammoth to the closest beach, but yes, theoretically possible.
  8. I was in Italy in late June 2019 when there was a heat wave of similar magnitude (upper 90's-low 100's-not seeing the 110+ that Tip referenced in any forecasts). The Lake Como area was nice during the heat, though it is not particularly high elevation so you don't get the alpine cooling effects you might expect given the scenery...
  9. High schools were supposed to be open.
  10. Things seem *SLIGHTLY* brighter here in Hoboken than they did 15 minutes ago.
  11. I live ten minutes away and still haven’t been, haha.
  12. Flip side is that it was one of the best seasons in recent memory for the Laurentians. Not sure the correlation between that area and Jay, but I was up at Tremblant in late February and the depths were impressive.
  13. September is the toughest month, no?
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