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About Supernovice

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  • Location:
    Lowell, Ma

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  1. Just missed us to the north from Jenness Beach
  2. Speaking of Merrimack Valley, anyone battling fungus this year? I sprayed once… didn’t seem to get it all, so just put down disease x 48 hours ago but….? Wondering if there are any better remedies…thanks
  3. From what I’ve heard (cnn) when the red line goes up, it’s like a 30 min warning due to the distance of the satellite. Started going up about 15 mins ago. https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/real-time-solar-wind
  4. I feel like I know the answer to this but- any chance we cool off before the precip ends? Sitting at 32.7 and pouring- would rather us not cool to 31.
  5. Giving a talk next week… just hear me out.
  6. I spy Cory: https://x.com/kassydillon/status/1762609430388978170?s=46&t=ej91V1PwyPgv_VUNXsO_yQ
  7. I’m not in the business of picking spots on the globe to fit my preconceived narrative but you do you.
  8. To this point… what’s the mechanism that *could* bring global temp anomalies back in line? We baked at a global scale this year- I’m not sure betting on a miraculous return to prior curve is a bet I’d make.
  9. Don’t report it, change your password and any other password that might be remotely close to it. Also- looking forward to you slant sticking your way to 6, jk jk…. Not really
  10. Anyone know where that 83mph from Rye,NH was recorded? That’s unbelievable…literally.
  11. 13 here at the Tewksbury/ Andover/ Lowell triangle. Not accounting for compaction- just measured. Still puking, we over perform.
  12. Does fish lurk here? https://x.com/ericfisher/status/1737604776676954152?s=46&t=ej91V1PwyPgv_VUNXsO_yQ
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