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Chicago Storm

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Just realized New England has a long thread about it.

To tie it into weather... it will be interesting to see how the warming weather affects it.  There is some evidence that maybe it's not spreading quite as well in warmer climates but it's still very much an open question.  A lot of viruses are killed by UV light, so if this one also is and in combination with the drastic steps we are seeing unfold across the country, perhaps we can slow this down the deeper we get into spring/summer.  

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Stuff is getting pretty crazy right now... like did you think you would live to see something like this?  I have read about what was going on during the 1918 flu and we are quickly heading that way in terms of mass closings, public reaction, etc.  Not comparing the actual diseases of course because covid19 tends to be milder in the younger/healthy population than that 1918 flu. 

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20 minutes ago, Hoosier said:

Stuff is getting pretty crazy right now... like did you think you would live to see something like this?  I have read about what was going on during the 1918 flu and we are quickly heading that way in terms of mass closings, public reaction, etc.  Not comparing the actual diseases of course because covid19 tends to be milder in the younger/healthy population than that 1918 flu. 

Yeah. The panic it is causing is unreal. Good luck finding toilet paper or cleaning supplies for the next month. 

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Yeah I checked a few stores for hand sanitizer and it's all gone, and there aren't even any confirmed cases in northwest IN yet (have to think there are undetected people with the virus though given that this is a fairly populated area with major interstates running through).  There were signs posted about rationing to 3 or 4 bottles per customer.  I'd say time to tighten that up lol

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9 minutes ago, Chicago Storm said:

As with many areas...local stores are out of soap, sanitizers, cleaning supplies, tissue, toilet paper, paper towels and water.

New there seems to be a run on food as well.

I can verify the same here, sister-in-law's Kroger was wiped out. I am hoping some of that comes back by Sunday.

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Gotta admit I am a little more concerned than I'd usually be about catching this one anytime soon.  Just getting over whatever the hell it was that I had.  My breathing is still a tad off but there was a 1-2 day period when the shortness of breath was getting fairly uncomfortable.  

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Not sure about the details on this one, but a friend coming back from University of Kentucky said they were not allowed to fill gas tanks all the way. Haven’t heard of any other such occurrences yet but still. 

either way, normal life has never been anywhere near this disrupted in my lifetime. Kind of crazy to see all this stuff happening when a week ago I didn’t think any of this was possible

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17 minutes ago, CoalCityWxMan said:

Not sure about the details on this one, but a friend coming back from University of Kentucky said they were not allowed to fill gas tanks all the way. Haven’t heard of any other such occurrences yet but still. 

either way, normal life has never been anywhere near this disrupted in my lifetime. Kind of crazy to see all this stuff happening when a week ago I didn’t think any of this was possible

 At this rate, imagine what things could be like in another week or two. I hope everyone is prepared for a worst case scenario... just in case. 

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Guest ovweather

Can someone please explain the whole rationing toilet paper mindset of the general public? Toilet paper can't accomplish anymore than a wash-cloth and shower can accomplish.

I read a nice summary by an infectious disease specialist. He said "The fact is the virus itself will not likely do much harm. But our own irrational behaviors and panicky attitude could prove disastrous. Facts above fear."

We still need to keep this virus in the proper perspective, but it seems the media won't allow it. Only a very small percentage of the population has actually been infected over the past few months, even considering 10 times as many people might be infected then has officially been counted. Yes, like any virus, it can be dangerous and fatal. The common cold can kill. The seasonal flu is still running laps around Covid-19 on worldwide infection rates and fatalities. I'm all for limiting public activities to limit spread of any disease, but let's not go overboard with insanity.

Of all the unknown number of viruses out to get us humans, why the excessive panic over this one? Is it because it's the new, sexy thing on the block? There's not a time when you venture out into public that some kind of virus isn't entering your body. Most times you never even know it. Reason number one to always take care of your health to insure your immune system is operating at full strength.

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Our Prime Ministers wife has tested positive for coronavirus. All schools across the province have been cancelled until early April and I suspect universities and colleges may follow suit. 

Grocery store line-ups are absolutely ridiculous. I myself stocked up on some things lol.

My company issued a statement today saying everyone will be working from home for the next 30 days. What a time. 


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50 minutes ago, ovweather said:

Can someone please explain the whole rationing toilet paper mindset of the general public? Toilet paper can't accomplish anymore than a wash-cloth and shower can accomplish.

I read a nice summary by an infectious disease specialist. He said "The fact is the virus itself will not likely do much harm. But our own irrational behaviors and panicky attitude could prove disastrous. Facts above fear."

We still need to keep this virus in the proper perspective, but it seems the media won't allow it. Only a very small percentage of the population has actually been infected over the past few months, even considering 10 times as many people might be infected then has officially been counted. Yes, like any virus, it can be dangerous and fatal. The common cold can kill. The seasonal flu is still running laps around Covid-19 on worldwide infection rates and fatalities. I'm all for limiting public activities to limit spread of any disease, but let's not go overboard with insanity.

Of all the unknown number of viruses out to get us humans, why the excessive panic over this one? Is it because it's the new, sexy thing on the block? There's not a time when you venture out into public that some kind of virus isn't entering your body. Most times you never even know it. Reason number one to always take care of your health to insure your immune system is operating at full strength.

Italy is what happens when you are too slow to react.  Their healthcare system is being pushed to the limit with no slowdown in sight.  This is happening in addition to the flu, not in place of it... at least flu season will be winding down at some point.

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1 hour ago, ovweather said:


Of all the unknown number of viruses out to get us humans, why the excessive panic over this one? Is it because it's the new, sexy thing on the block? There's not a time when you venture out into public that some kind of virus isn't entering your body. Most times you never even know it. Reason number one to always take care of your health to insure your immune system is operating at full strength.

This is the first big virus scare in the social media age. That is driving a lot of what we are seeing right imo. The last big virus scare one was the H1N1 flu 10 years ago but social media was in its infancy, which is why panic was much less than what we are seeing right now

The entire sports world shutting down is going to hit home for a lot of people that don't normally pay attention to this kind of stuff imo

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1 hour ago, ovweather said:

Can someone please explain the whole rationing toilet paper mindset of the general public? Toilet paper can't accomplish anymore than a wash-cloth and shower can accomplish.

I read a nice summary by an infectious disease specialist. He said "The fact is the virus itself will not likely do much harm. But our own irrational behaviors and panicky attitude could prove disastrous. Facts above fear."

We still need to keep this virus in the proper perspective, but it seems the media won't allow it. Only a very small percentage of the population has actually been infected over the past few months, even considering 10 times as many people might be infected then has officially been counted. Yes, like any virus, it can be dangerous and fatal. The common cold can kill. The seasonal flu is still running laps around Covid-19 on worldwide infection rates and fatalities. I'm all for limiting public activities to limit spread of any disease, but let's not go overboard with insanity.

Of all the unknown number of viruses out to get us humans, why the excessive panic over this one? Is it because it's the new, sexy thing on the block? There's not a time when you venture out into public that some kind of virus isn't entering your body. Most times you never even know it. Reason number one to always take care of your health to insure your immune system is operating at full strength.

If this virus was allowed to run rampant it would likely usher in the next depression. It spreads faster than the seasonal flu. The seasonal flu has a vaccine. The mortality rate is much higher for this than the flu. Containment is prudent and necessary. However, the media panic is unnecessary.

Everything is made in China and they have been shut down for weeks. The economy is run on supply and demand and the next few weeks we will see a shortage of many supplies. US is a very service based industry. I expect further declines in markets for the next month or two while we get  vaccine made.

I am friends with someone with a PHD that works in developing experimental medications for cancer. She said a vaccine would take about a year to develop and send out to the public. With it becoming a pandemic she expected late summer/early fall. Vaccines have started in developmental stages early this year.


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1 minute ago, Hoosier said:

Indianapolis schools are closed until April as well.  Probably a good chance it becomes statewide as more cases are uncovered.

Illinois is probably next. Most schools already have announced some sort of change (extended spring break, planning to go online) even without the state mandating it. 

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8 hours ago, Hoosier said:

Just realized New England has a long thread about it.

To tie it into weather... it will be interesting to see how the warming weather affects it.  There is some evidence that maybe it's not spreading quite as well in warmer climates but it's still very much an open question.  A lot of viruses are killed by UV light, so if this one also is and in combination with the drastic steps we are seeing unfold across the country, perhaps we can slow this down the deeper we get into spring/summer.  

SARS-CoV-2(the virus itself) is susceptible to UV light just like all coronaviruses are. So I’m optimistic that once we get to may, this thing will be winding down. 


Heres a few links that I really like and are extraordinarily useful 

Fairly in depth and comprehensive synopsis of what this virus actually is: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK554776/

ArcGIS dashboard: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6

Graphs and growth curves for certain countries:



Needless to say im disappointed in the amount of media catalyzed hype and panic buying that I’ve seen on twitter and elsewhere. Namely a certain joe rogan podcast with 6M views that was an absolute crime and is the equivalent of a weenie freaking out over a 384hr GFS kuchera map. But I think moving universities online and closing large public gatherings makes sense and is a necessary step to flatten the curve and prevent our medical system from getting overwhelmed like it was in Italy and China.

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8 hours ago, Hoosier said:

Gotta admit I am a little more concerned than I'd usually be about catching this one anytime soon.  Just getting over whatever the hell it was that I had.  My breathing is still a tad off but there was a 1-2 day period when the shortness of breath was getting fairly uncomfortable.  

I had a bad cough and 102 F fever a couple nights in a row about 2 weeks ago.  I get colds and bad intestinal stuff a couple times a year but I don't recall the last time I had full-blown flu symptoms like that.  I'd probably have to go back to childhood.  Thankfully I was only really sick for about 3 days.  I want to the doctor but there was no test.  They said 90% likelihood it was influenze B or H1N1 (even though I had a normal flu shot last October).  It would have been nice to know for sure what it was and why the flu shot didn't prevent it.  I didn't travel anywhere but now it's a little concerning that random celebrity cases are turning up.  It's a worry if non-severe cases are slipping through untested.

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