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About Stebo

  • Birthday 02/07/1985

Profile Information

  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Eastpointe, MI

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  1. Airport got missed yesterday but I had easily 2" or more at my house. City airport had 1.48 just in an hour.
  2. Looking boring for a while for about a week.
  3. 29 separate paths including one in downtown. Crazy
  4. DTW always finds a way to underperform.
  5. Classic cartoon, love the talking Wile E Coyote cartoons.
  6. I'd be pissed if I was on vacation in the UP and it was 48 at 4PM
  7. Shelf was great here, my phone doesn't do the greenage justice though.
  8. The difference between now and normal is crazy.
  9. Go troll somewhere else. Weather side doesn't need your shit.
  10. Yes I am, first order NWS sites are more important than your tree surrounded PWS and all the other PWSs.
  11. How about KLAN KOZW KRNP KFNT, I don't care about other poorly sited PWS.
  12. Nice yeah we came up here for the chance of tors and waited out the storm across the bay. I thought for sure we were skunked then the storm got close to shore and spun up.
  13. I was up here We waited until it came across the bay and as soon as it got close it spun up. They got so lucky in Port Austin. It was about a mile and a half off shore and about a 1/4 mile wide. It was a legit tornado over water.
  14. Clouds are pretty thick this morning, might not make it to 90 without some hep. Currently 78.
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