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Chicago Storm

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About Chicago Storm

  • Birthday November 18

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  1. the dog days of summer are definitely not until august, as any normal person knows it.
  2. The last part is really grasping, that typhoon is recent and had no effect on June or the first half of July. The first part goes to show an evolution from Nino-Nina during summer versus heading into summer can have different outcomes. Also, add in that SST's are running warmer than long range guidance has showed by this point. The last part should be kept in mind heading into Winter, as a significant La Nina no longer is in the cards at this point.
  3. The EF-1 tornado from Monday evening that extended from the near West Side to downtown Chicago is the first tornado inside of downtown Chicago since 1876. An F3 tornado occurred on May 6th, 1876.
  4. i also drove her into the naperville/woodridge EF-3 tornado back on June 20th, 2021, and distracted her while doing so by telling her to look for power flashes. that was before we were married though. so, she knows what she's in for with me.
  5. So, now that I have some time... Monday night's shift at ORD was top tier, right alongside 7/12/2023. There were numerous power flashes to the W-WNW, as the activity approached and then hit. The peak wind gust at ORD was 75MPH. However, there was not much in the way of damage, due to the lack of trees here at the OBS site. I know there were reports of a tornado over the airport field, but there was nothing that was visible nor any other concrete evidence that one was occurring/occurred. There was a brief moment of erratic winds, but that doesn't' necessarily mean a tornado. Back home in North Naperville, destructive level damaging winds impacted the area. The preserve across from our apartment was hit hard, as well as down into North Naperville. Across this area, uprooted and snapped trees are widespread, in addition to widespread tree limbs downed. Straight-line wind damage in this area is likely in the 70-90MPH range. I made sure my wife was out on the balcony when the action hit, and she said "It was windy". Yea...a bit. I then spent all of Tuesday and part of Wednesday with @RCNYILWX surveying out in the West/Southwest Metro, where we confirmed three tornadoes.
  6. That is indeed the case. Some years the gap is closer than others.
  7. Catching up... ORD received 1.60" of rain on Saturday, which broke the record precip total for the date of 1.49" (1963). On Saturday, ORD topped out at 91° and MDW 92°. On Monday, ORD topped out at 90° and MDW 91°. ...2024 90°+ Day Tally... 12 - MDW 10 - ORD 10 - RFD 10 - PWK 10 - ARR 10 - LOT 9 - DPA 6 - UGN
  8. Chicago/O'Hare received 1.60" of precipitation on July 13th, which broke the record precipitation total for the date of 1.49" (1963).
  9. Moderate is the way to go for sure. Everything is there for a high end event, with widespread/significant damaging winds and QLCS tornadoes.
  10. The remnants of Beryl weren't too big of a deal around here, with a sharper gradient more-so across the southern metro. ORD ended up with 0.61" of rain, while MDW had 1.17"
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