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About Chambana

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    East Central, IL

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  1. Legit question, how the heck is August 9 days away?
  2. 77 and mod rain on and off, one of the more miserable 4th of July’s in quite sometime.
  3. The cyclical nature of Mother Nature never ceases to amazes me. After a wet spring, the spigot has been turned off here, and in return the flash brought of the upper Midwest is raking in. I have friends in Mankato, interested to hear the flooding scenario.
  4. 92 in the paign. Hoping for full sun tomorrow. Pretty run of the mill heatwave, compared to what the euro showed last week.!
  5. 94 in the paign. That sun be doing work fellas.
  6. It appears the spigot has been turned off. Mid to upper 90s for the foreseeable future. The question is, will someone reach 100? It’s doable next week.
  7. Seems the forest preserves have them THICK. Been to two of them in two weeks, and heavily ambushed with cicadas, here in Champaign? Nothing.
  8. Sometimes I catch myself hating on Illinois, but days like today remind me this state has its own natural beauty. Visited another preserve today, nice to put the phone away and not answer work emails.
  9. Full sun and seasonable temps for the next 7 days. Top tier stuff you can only dream of. took the tops off the jeep, my son and I are going for a long ride today.
  10. when I was at Allerton Park in Monticello, literally 30 minutes from Champaign, they were landing on my shirt as we were walking. The sound was deafening as well.
  11. Top shelf day. Spending the day with my son at Allerton park. What a banger. Also, cicada galore here and zero at home.
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