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About Baum

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Glen Ellyn,ILL

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  1. it appears the growing season has ended.
  2. Sidenote: I'll check back in around Halloween in the hopes your screaming warm and dry for December. You can't take this stuff too seriously, my friend, sometimes you have to have a little self deprecation and chalk it up to fun. Though I am waiting with baited breath for you early winter calls... As for current trends. There is nothing better than 80's in September. Sun not as hot, and cools off quickly in the evenings. So I'll take this current stretch as a win.
  3. I've decided your the most accurate guy on this board. Just go with the opposite of your thoughts and it's the best medium range forecasting tool I've seen in years. And I'm not be a smart ass(old school snark term).
  4. I just don't want another Halloween snow.
  5. yes. it will get hot for a bit as the kids return to school....been doin' it for years.
  6. should I start the winter thread? It's going to be cooking.
  7. Acting like a winter storm for my back yard. No doubt. Poured for a 15 minute stretch and now drying up right over my head.
  8. say it again in December. I won't call it out.
  9. Another garden variety early morning event so I don't have to water today. Perfect.
  10. looking forward to the low 80's next week per current LOT extended.
  11. standard fare hot week in mid june to coincide with the pass into summer and the longest day of the year. Nice timing, at one of my favorite times of the year.
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