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  1. I had a pristine copy of the 38 Hurricane emergency paper made by the Norwich Bulletin. I gave it to Hurricane Josh back in 06 at a conference as a surprise present as we had talked online and on the phone as he wanted to hear my Dads story. He framed it and it is hung in his house. My wxweeneie dom is a direct result of living in a town where 200 people died and hearing the stories by so many relatives. My Dad was a first responder. He described in detail what he saw.
  2. Its a straight drug for him at this point. I get it, and reading some of his stuff, he almost seems ok with it if one of these does claim his life at some point. There's nothing else he'd rather be doing. Sitting at home while a Cat 5 hits some island is just not a possibility for him. I have a deep respect for people like that, who realize this is what they want to do with their life and they are going to do it. I also get some of the other comments... I mean, if anyone needs to come rescue him or provide emergency care.... it's the same as someone going up MWN and needing to be rescued (when a lot of the public wonders why you put the rescuers at risk). Some people hike Everest, some chase the eyewalls of Cat 5 hurricanes, others chase tornadoes, some dive to the deepest depths of the ocean possible. They didn't need to be there but they wanted to and they don't need anyone's permission to do so. Josh obviously plans well for it, but one can see both sides of the argument.
  3. Depending on the circumstances I would say yes. Depends on the purpose of the chase. I don't know what category Josh fits in. I know he would have the financial resources it seems for it.
  4. People really laying into Josh in the comment section. https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2019/09/04/storm-chaser-went-silent-dorian-hit-bahamas-he-re-emerged-with-harrowing-story/?fbclid=IwAR0RWxC0xgav69gyRWNQLDVT1yGI2ypFgSDp-gLW1oklDmOvoqlR_MlStIA
  5. i Dont know him but Im glad Josh is ok,,,,,,so IF Dorian slows down again while over the warm waters wont it intensify and be stronger then modeled when it resumes going North ? sounds right to me
  6. Josh is up in the air on his way to Abaco per his latest tweet -
  7. Josh's money comes from his digital marketing business. He didn't get into chasing for the money. The new show probably just finally covered all the crazy plane tickets/hotels/cars/equipment he's purchased over the years so he could chase at a moment's notice.
  8. I am not sure if Josh has lots of courage or is a bit crazy to go chasing these hurricanes.
  9. Dream job, even more Nekkid. In fact, I'd pay to do that...even pay more to do it Nekkid! Get paid to do what one wants to do anyway, paid to follow your passion? Even if you die doing it. That's life, pure and simple. Living life! If other's enjoy experiencing what you do from their sofa or PC, then you have hit the jackpot we all seek. A 9 to 5 job, five days a week, security, fluff, being a sheep, following your leader when they cannot remember hearing of a Cat 5 after comforting homeless Americans in Mexico Beach just months ago after a Cat 5, UGH. Give me Liberty, or Give me Death. SENC, you may be making a joke, but you are speaking truth. Josh was crazy, brave, hit a jackpot if he is wise. I'd do it without a blink. (My wife would not approve, but hey we have to juggle our priorities.)
  10. Josh's career peaked back when he was regularly posting here, but he's still making a pretty decent living for himself.
  11. Those of us who have been around here awhile know of many of Josh's previous hurricane adventures. I have always appreciated his courage and reporting. I was really worried for him this time, Patricia notwithstanding. Good news!
  12. Well? It's how He makes His living, (though part time).. NOW,,, BIG $$$$$$ Coming His way… Wouldn't you do it also? I would,, I'll even spout the False Hoax; of AGW, provide video, screaming, staged antics, .. Even Nekkid Folks would LOVE ME Hey,, Josh is sexy, with that beard ,, While Showering Me with $$$$ Yeah, I gotta do, that too, I gotta a brand new water proof Camera, and a chance.. Ft. Fisher/Bald Head Island is My target/chaser video.. come Chursday I need a few dollars more.. Que up Clint Eastwood theme A Few Dollars more..
  13. Well thank goodness Josh is OK. i wonder if this will effect his chase enthusiasm. Remember that video of him wading around in a lobby pushing some people on a mattress? We got to have a get together for him around DC
  14. Social media is full of assholes. Josh has always been great and is always willing to respond even to nobodies like me when I ask him questions.
  15. People on social media are angry at Josh and think he is just for the spot light.
  16. Damn. Ninja'd again before I was gonna post Josh's latest tweet:
  17. So glad to hear Josh is ok. The data and video he has is going to be unbelievable.
  18. TWC tweeted they are in contact with Josh!!! He is safe
  19. Did Josh have a satellite phone or something?
  20. There was a post on twitter which showed the area of the school Josh was in...if that indeed is the area...idk. Very sick feeling in my stomach right now.
  21. I’m just here hoping for a positive Josh update and the whole place has gone to shit lol
  22. dbm is a dead board so it makes sense if josh posts there
  23. I do hope Josh is okay. He is such a nice guy. Always had time for you, even when he became more popular in recent years.
  24. you're sure gonna have egg on your face when josh is found
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